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Found 6 search results for Ku Klux Klan
  • Top 10 Most Dangerous Terrorist Groups
    They use violence to spread terror. From Lashkar-e-Taiba, to Al-Shabaab, to the Klu Klux Klan, these terrorist organizations are truly terrifying. WatchMojo counts down ten most dangerous terrorist groups.
    Deadly terrorist groups, terrorist organizations, dangerous terrorist groups, richest terrorist groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, Al-Shabaab, Lord’s Resistance Army, Ku Klux Klan, Taliban, terrorist attacks, 9/11, WatchMojo, top 10, top 5, list, best, worst
  • ¡10 ATERRADORES Eventos que Sucedieron en NAVIDAD!
    Prepárese para una escalofriante cuenta atrás de tragedias navideñas. Desvelamos los sucesos más devastadores ocurridos durante las fiestas navideñas.
    Desastres navideños, tragedias navideñas, Navidad Negra, Tsunami del Océano Índico, Ku Klux Klan, Inundación navideña, Incendio de la Biblioteca del Congreso, Desastre del tren de Tangiwai, Desastre del Salón Italiano, Terremoto de Erzincan, Masacre navideña del Congo, Invasión de Afganistán, acontecimientos históricos, desastres naturales, horrores navideños,Documental, Ciencia, Gente, watchmojo, watchmojo, WatchMojo Español, top 10, lista,mojo
  • 10 Worst Things Ever to Happen on Christmas
    Brace yourself for a chilling countdown of yuletide tragedies. We're unwrapping the most devastating events that have ever occurred during the festive season. From natural disasters to man-made horrors, these incidents shook the world and left an indelible mark on history. Join us as we explore the darker side of Christmas.
    Christmas disasters, holiday tragedies, Black Christmas, Indian Ocean Tsunami, Ku Klux Klan, Christmas Flood, Library of Congress fire, Tangiwai Train Disaster, Italian Hall Disaster, Erzincan Earthquake, Congo Christmas Massacre, USSR Afghanistan invasion, historical events, natural disasters, man-made catastrophes, holiday horrors , Documentary, Education, Science, People, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Notorious Hate Groups
    History is filled with groups that have advocated hate and violence against others; many such groups still exist today. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 notorious hate groups.
    hate, aryan brotherhood, jewish defense league, national socialist movement, skinheads, taliban, Westboro Baptist Church, Al-Qaeda, Ku Klux Klan, white aryan resistance, British National Party, Creativity Movement, Family Research Council, Islamic State
  • Top 10 War Propaganda Films
    When war arises, you know it's propaganda time. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 war propaganda films.
    movies, films, propaganda, propaganda films, war, war propaganda, WWII, World War II, Ku Klux Klan, Triumph of the Will, The Birth of a Nation, Battleship Potemkin, The Great Dictator, Why We Fight, The Eternal Jew, Casablanca, Olympia, Moscow Strikes Bac
  • L'Histoire du Mouvement des Droits Civiques
    Débutant avec la fin de la Guerre civile américaine en 1865, les Afro-américains se sont battus pour atteindre un statu égal sous la loi. explore l'histoire du Mouvement des droits civiques aux États-Unis.
    droits civiques, histoire des noirs, histoire, États-Unis, USA, Afro-américains, esclavage, confédéré, priver du droit électoral, intégration, ségrégation, lois Jim Crow, NAACP, Ku Klux Klan, MLK, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Pa