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Found 5 search results for Lino y Lana
  • LINO'S STRING RING - Ask Anything x STEMIE
    Do you play a string instrument like the guitar, the ukulele, or the cello? Well, Lino has an invention for you! Check out the string ring: ROCK ON, PAIN GONE!
    STEMIE, STEM programs, invention programs, invention, kids inventors, entrepreneurship, imagination, inventions, kid inventions, talented kids, smart kids, inventors, national invention convention, inventions by kids, kids who invented things, inventions made by kids, inventions by children, jrmojo, junior mojo, Junior Mojo, JrMojo
  • ¡Top 10 Mejores Canciones de 31 minutos!
    Para esta lista, estaremos haciendo nuestro propio top de canciones del noticiero de títeres más conocido que ya sea por icónicas, por divertidas o por profundas, quedaron marcadas en nuestra memoria.
    watchmojo español, mojo español, top 10, Televisión, TV Chile, Chile, programas chilenos, 31 minutos, mejores canciones de 31 minutos, mejores personajes de 31 minutos, Mi equilibrio espiritual, Bailan sin cesar, Mi muñeca me habló, Señora, devuélvame la pelota o si no no sé lo que haré, Tangananica Tangananá, Yo opino, Objeción denegada, Mi mamá me lo teje todo, Señora interesante, Arwrarwrirwrarwro, Bombi, Cucky, Lino y Lana, Juan Pablo Sopa,
    À qui appartient le meilleur punchline du Rap Français ? Booba ? Orelsan ? La Fouine ? Joignez-nous pour le décompte de cette liste des 10 meilleurs punchlines du rap Français !
    punchline, rap français, hip-hop, rap, FR, france, la fouine, essaie encore, seth gueko, tapis moquette, youssoupha, espérance de vie, orelsan, jimmy punchline, nekfeu, égérie, IAM, demain c'est loin, booba, boulbi, damso, amnésie, kery james, oxmo puccino, lino, la loi du point final, top 10, watchmojo français, FR
  • GOING CRAZY in a Museum!
    Noah had a great time at NICEE and the Henry Ford! Check out all the adventures he had with Kid Inventors: Lino and Anna! More NICEE and Henry Ford fun on the way!
    The Henry Ford, Henry Ford, Henry Ford Museum, exhibits, museum, National Invention Convention, NICEE, inventions from kids, kid inventors, STEMIE, STEMIE Coalition, STEM programs, invention programs, invention programs for kids, JrMojo, Junior Mojo, Ask Anything
  • Introducing AWESOME KID INVENTORS! - Ask Anything
    JrMojo is very excited to announce our collaboration with The STEMIE coalition! Watch every Wednesday this month for videos about amazing kid inventors! Find out about Lino Morrero's String Ring, Emily Webb's Blackberry Picker, and Anna Blanchette's Ocean Pollution Solution!
    STEMIE, STEM programs, invention programs, invention, kid inventors, entrepreneurship, imagination, inventions, kid inventions, talented kids, smart kids, inventors, national invention convention, inventions by kids, kids who invented things, inventions made by kids, inventions by children, jrmojo, junior mojo, Junior Mojo, JrMojo
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