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Found 6 search results for NAACP
  • History of the NAACP and Civil Rights
    This famous grassroots-based civil rights group sought to end what Albert Einstein called "America's worst disease": Racism. learns more about the history of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
    NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, black history, civil rights, history, United States, USA, African Americans, disenfranchise, integration, segregation, Jim Crow laws, lynching, W.E.B. Du Bois, The Crisis, racism
  • 10 Rachel Dolezal Scandal Facts - WMNews Ep. 32
    This master of disguise lost her touch and now must face her peers, her community and the microscope of international media. Welcome to and today we're counting down 10 crucial facts you should know about the Rachel Dolezal scandal.
    WMNews, Rachel Dolezal, Spokane, NAACP, Ezra Dolezal, transracial, Howard University, #RachelDolezal, #transracial, Eastern Washington University, The Inlander, Albert Wilkerson, Baz Dreisinger, Angela Fafard
  • L'Histoire du Mouvement des Droits Civiques
    Débutant avec la fin de la Guerre civile américaine en 1865, les Afro-américains se sont battus pour atteindre un statu égal sous la loi. explore l'histoire du Mouvement des droits civiques aux États-Unis.
    droits civiques, histoire des noirs, histoire, États-Unis, USA, Afro-américains, esclavage, confédéré, priver du droit électoral, intégration, ségrégation, lois Jim Crow, NAACP, Ku Klux Klan, MLK, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Pa
  • Albert Einstein: Life and Career
    His name is synonymous with knowledge, intelligence and scientific discovery. learns more about the life and career of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein.
    Albert Einstein, science, physics, history, academics, gravity, Nobel Prize, quantum mechanics, Manhattan Project, atomic bomb, genius, time travel, theory of relativity, Germany, Jewish, patent clerk, miracle year, annus mirabilis, NAACP, unified field t
  • History of the Civil Rights Movement
    Beginning with the end of the U.S. Civil War in 1865, African Americans toiled to reach equal status in the eyes of the law. explores the history of the United States’ Civil Rights Movement.
    civil rights, black history, history, United States, USA, African Americans, slavery, confederate, disenfranchise, integration, segregation, Jim Crow laws, NAACP, Ku Klux Klan, MLK, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, JFK, Kennedy, Obama
  • Martin Luther King Jr: Life and Death
    He is an iconic figure in the history of African American civil rights. learns more about the life, accomplishments and assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King Jr, MLK, African American, black history, civil rights, assassination, activist, protest, politics, speech, death, murder, NAACP, Montgomery Bus Boycott, I Have a Dream, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Nobel Prize