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Found 507 search results for Rick Sanchez Backstory
  • Rick Sanchez vs The Doctor
    The Doctor and Rick Sanchez are both dimension-traveling geniuses, but which one is better? In this installment of Versus, we’re pitting the Doctor of “Doctor Who” against Rick Sanchez from “Rick and Morty.”
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  • Top 10 SAVAGE Rick Sanchez Comebacks and Insults
    If you've ever seen "Rick and Morty," you know Rick Sanchez has some savage insults and comebacks. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the best burns that Rick Sanchez has ever uttered during “Rick and Morty.”
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  • Top 10 Most Dangerous Rick Sanchez Inventions
    The most dangerous Rick Sanchez inventions have caused untold chaos across various realities.
    Most Dangerous Rick Sanchez Inventions, Dangerous Rick Sanchez Inventions, Rick Sanchez Inventions, Most Dangerous Things Rick Sanchez Has Invented, Dangerous Rick and Morty Inventions, Rick and Morty Inventions, Dangerous Rick Sanchez Gadgets, Dangerous Rick and Morty Gadgets, Worst Things Rick Sanchez Has Made, Worst Things Rick Sanches Has Done, Rick and Morty, Comedy, Rick Sanchez, Cartoon, Animated, TV, Sci Fi, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Viral, Countdown, listicles, Michael Wynands
  • Top 20 Most Evil Rick Moments in Rick and Morty
    Rick isn't always evil, but when he is, he's reeeeeeally evil. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the most despicable and downright awful things beloved anti-hero Rick Sanchez has ever done.
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  • Top 20 Times Rick was Actually Nice to Someone
    The main character of "Rick and Morty" is often jaded and cruel, but there have been some small instances of him showing kindness to others. For this list, we’ll be looking at those rare instances that prove Rick Sanchez has a heart.
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  • Top 10 Times Rick Got What He Deserved on Rick and Morty
    Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub! For this list, we’ll be looking at moments where Rick Sanchez rightfully got his comeuppance.
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    Dire que Rick est un mauvais père est un sacré euphémisme !
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  • Top 10 Times Rick Was Wrong
    Even though he’s usually in control, there are times Rick Sanchez was wrong.
    Times Rick Sanchez was Wrong, Times Rick Sanchez Got It Wrong, Times Rick Sanchez Messed Up, Times Rick Sanchez Screwed Up, Rick Sanchez Mistakes, Times Rick Was Wrong, Rick and Morty Rick Sanchez, Dumbest Things Rick Has Done, Biggest Mistakes Rick Had Made, morty saves rick, Rick Sanchez Errors, Rick Sanchez Bad Judgment, rick and morty, Adult Swim, Animated, Cartoon, Comedy, TV, Sci Fi, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Viral, Countdown, listicles
  • Top 10 Momentos Malvados de Rick en Rick y Morty
    ¡Top 10 Momentos MALVADOS de RICK en Rick y Morty! Suscríbete: Rick Sanchez de Rick y Morty tiene sus momentos malvados y confusos, que se pueden encontrar aquí mismo. Algunos de los momentos más siniestros y malvados de Rick incluyen cuando toma parte en la purga, cuando degrada a Jerry, cuando crea el universo de bolsillo y cuando destruye el gobierno galáctico. Únete a WatchMojo Español mientras hacemos el recuento del Top 10 de Momentos Malvados de Rick en Rick y Morty. Sugiere tus ideas: Facebook: Twitter:
    top 10, top 5, lista, televisión, tv, rick and morty, rick evil moments, rick sanchez, adult swim, cartoon, morty smith, summer and morty, pocket universe, galactic government, purge, abandons abradolf lincler, watchmojo español
  • Top 10 Most Evil Rick Moments In Rick and Morty
    This guy right here, super weird. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Evil Rick Moments in Rick and Morty. For this list, we’re taking a look at the most despicable things beloved anti-hero Rick Sanchez has ever done. Some of these moments are major plot points within the series, however, so consider this your SPOILER ALERT.
    top 10, top 5, list, tv, television, rick and morty, rick evil moments, rick sanchez, adult swim, cartoon, morty smith, summer and morty, pocket universe, galactic government, purge, Abandons Abradolf Lincler, watchmojo
  • ¡Top 20 Momentos MALVADOS de Rick en Rick y Morty!
    Rick no siempre es malvado, pero cuando se lo propone puede ser el peor de todo el universo.
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  • ¡Top 20 Cosas que (Probablemente) NO VISTE en Rick y Morty!
    ¡Presta atención! Hoy estaremos viendo un recuento de los mejores guiños, referencias y otros detalles geniales que podrías haber pasado por alto mientras veías "Rick and Morty".
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  • Top 10 Darkest Inventions Rick Has Ever Made
    Not all inventions are innovative! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most disturbing and awful inventions devised by Rick Sanchez on “Rick and Morty.” Naturally, since some of these creations are plot-important, there will be spoilers ahead!
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  • ¡Top 20 Momentos más OSCUROS de Rick y Morty!
    No siempre hay razones para reír. Para esta lista, repasamos los momentos más inquietantes, sombríos y violentos de la serie animada "Rick and Morty".
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  • ¡Top 20 Momentos de Rick y Morty MÁS TRISTES!
    "Rick and Morty" nunca deja de hacernos reír, pero también tiene muchos momentos tristes. Para esta lista, repasamos las escenas e historias más desgarradoras de la serie animada para adultos "Rick and Morty".
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