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Found 46 search results for Spyro Year of the Dragon
  • Every Spyro Game Ranked
    One of the platforming icons, Spyro the Dragon has had no shortage of adventures, but not all of them have been created or enjoyed equally. For this list, we’ll look at every single game the little purple dragon starred in and pit them against one another to determine the best platforming adventure the dragon has ever been on.
    Fantasy, Video Games, Single Player, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, mojoplays, ranked, countdown, spyro the dragon, activision, insomniac, games, year of the dragon, the cortex conspiracy, elijah wood, david spade, enter the dragonfly, shadow legacy, attack of the rhynocs, franchise, series, sequels, season of ice, eternal night, a hero's tail, ripto's rage, reignited trilogy, toys for bob, playstation, gameboy advance, multiplatform
  • The Complete History of Spyro the Dragon
    Spyro the Dragon is making a comeback in a huge way, so there is no better time to get caught up with our Spyro retrospective.
    video games, gaming, watchmojo, spyro the dragon, spyro the dragon reignited, spyro the dragon trilogy, spyro reboot, spyro remaster, history of spyro, history of spyro the dragon, spyro retrospective, spyro the dragon retrospective, spyro storyline, spyro recap, spyro the dragon recap, spyro the dragon story recap, mojoplays
  • Top 10 Spyro Games
    The bandicoot has been saved! And this year, the dragon has been reignited! To celebrate, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Spyro Games! For this list, we’re taking a look back at some of the best games our purple dragon has had since his debut in 1998. Side note: Are you as excited for "Spyro Reignited Trilogy" as we are?!
    Top 10 Spyro Games, Top Spyro Games, Top 10 Spyro the Dragon Games, Best Spyro Games, Best Spyro the Dragon Games, Spyro, Spyro the Dragon, gaming, video games, videogames, top 10, list, video, ranked, rank, compilation, watchmojo, watch mojo
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Is Spyro Still Worth Our Attention? - MojoPlays Review
    Spyro the Dragon returns and this is our Spyro Reignited Trilogy review. This new HD remake of the original series brings the first three Spyro games onto current gen hardware with updated graphics, but is the gameplay still as solid as we remember?
    video games, gaming, watchmojo, mojoplays, spyro, spyro the dragon, spyro reignited trilogy, spyro reignited trilogy review, spyro reboot review, new spyro review, video review, video game reviews, spyro 2018 review, spyro remaster review, playstation 4, xbox one, spyro playstation 4, spyro remake review
  • Top 10 Worst Escort Missions
    Escort Missions are the worst. Does Dead Rising have the worst Escort Missions? Or does that honour go to Emma from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty or Natalya from GoldenEye 007. Join us as we countdown this list of extremely frustrating missions to escort an NPC that will have you rage quitting in no time. On the way we'll see Ashley from Resident Evil 4, a Little Sister from BioShock, The Alchemist from Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage and the AT-PTs from Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Watch on our YouTube Channel:
    Top 10, Video Games, Watchmojo, Ashley, Resident Evil 4, Amy, Natalya, Goldeneye 007, Dead Rising, The Alchemist, Spyro Ripto's Rage, Star Fox Zero, Mechwarrior, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Bioshock, Little Sisters,
  • Top 20 Games That Trolled the Cheaters And Pirates
    These games give cheaters exactly what they deseve! For this list, we’ll be going over the video games that ruined the player's experience by sabotaging the gameplay in order to punish those not playing by the rules.
    games that troll cheaters, games that punish cheaters, games with the most cheaters, video game cheaters, video game cheats, cheat codes, gaming cheats, best video game cheats, The Sims 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA IV, GTA 4, Batman Arkham Asylum, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls 2, Earthbound, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo Kazooie, The Witcher 2, Red Alert 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Spyro Year of the Dragon
  • OTRO Top 10 de JUEGOS que Engañaron a TRAMPOSOS Y PIRATAS
    ¡OTRO Top 10 de JUEGOS que Engañaron a TRAMPOSOS Y PIRATAS! Suscríbete: Dos pueden jugar ese juego, amigo. Las empresas se vuelven tremendamente creativas cuando se trata de proteger sus IPs, ¡y estas son otras de las mejores formas en que las empresas usan DRM, errores especiales, errores deliberados y fallas, inteligentes engaños e brillante ironía para evitar que las personas copien ilegalmente, o engañen y arruinen sus juegos! Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español. Hoy estamos contando nuestras selecciones para ¡Otro Top 10 de Juegos que Engañaron a Tramposos y Piratas! Sugiere tus ideas: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
    top 10, jugabilidad, engaño, tramposo, trampa, prohibición, pirata, piratería, copia, drm, protección, banjo-kazooie, witcher 2, assassins of kings, alan wake, command & conquer, red alert 2, fate of two worlds, marvel vs capcom, michael jackson, the experience, cross days, spyro, year of the dragon, puggsy, garry’s mod, gmod, banhammer, pergatorio, besándose, ancianas, guardar archivo, eliminar, parche, nintendo 64, gruntilda, watchmojo español, watchmojo español, watchmojo spanish, watch mojo español, watch mojo español, watch mojo spanish,
  • Top 10 JEUX VIDÉO qui ont ''TROLLÉ'' les TRICHEURS et les PIRATES #2 !
    Que réservent certains jeux aux petits malins qui tentent de tricher ? Un simple avertissement ou la destruction de toutes leurs données sauvegardées ? Joignez-vous à nous pour le décompte de cette liste des 10 jeux qui ont joué un bien mauvais tour aux tricheurs et aux pirates !
    tricheurs, pirates, piratages, torrent, illégal, copie illégale, développeurs, troll, avertissement, piéger, fichiers sauvegarde, DRM, SRAM, Crack, téléchargement, peer to peer, Puggsy, Gary's Mod, Cross Days, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, Michael Jackson: The Experience, Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, Red Alert 2, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, Alan Wake, Banjo-Kazooie, Top 10, WatchMojo, watchmojo français, fr
  • WEITERE TOP 10 Videospielmaßnahmen, gegen BETRUG & DATENKLAU
    In dieser Liste sehen wir uns noch mehr Videospiele an, die den Spielverlauf sabotieren, um diejenigen zu bestrafen, die sich nicht an die Regeln halten. Puggsy und Garry's Mod machen den Anfang.
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, top zehn, Videospiele, Gaming, zocken, betrug, datenklau, puggsy, garrys mod, illegal, spyro, year of the dragon, cross days, michael . jackson, command & Conquer, alarmstufe rot 2, alan wake, the witcher, the witcher 2, assassins of kings, banjo-kazooie,
  • Another Top 10 Games That Trolled the Cheaters & Pirates!
    Two can play at that game, matey. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for Another Top 10 Games That Trolled The Cheaters & Pirates!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Troll, Cheater, Cheat, Ban, Pirate, Piracy, Copy, DRM, Protection, Punished, Banjo-Kazooie, Witcher 2, Assassins of Kings, Alan Wake, Command & Conquer, Red Alert 2, Fate of Two Worlds, Marvel vs Capcom, Michael Jackson, The Experience, Cross Days, Spyro, Year of the Dragon, Puggsy, Garry’s Mod, Gmod, banhammer, cheater hell, pergatory, making out, old ladies, prostitutes, save file, delete, Explodes, Eye Patch, Delete, Nintendo 64, Gruntilda,
  • Top 10 Best Tom Kenny Voice Performances
    Sound familiar? Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at some of the best and most well-known roles performed by voice acting legend, Tom Kenny.
    tom kenny voice performances, best tom kenny voice performances, tom kenny voice actor, tom kenny, tom kenny character voices, spongebob, spongebob sqaurepants, winnie the pooh, disney, catdog, the batman, batman, adventure time, foster's home for imaginary friends, spyro the dragon, the powerpuff girls, samurai jack, transformers, starscream, TV, Cartoon, Animated, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • This Week's Top 6 Biggest Gaming News Stories
    Welcome to MojoPlays News Roundup! This week, we're diving into the biggest gaming news stories, including Nintendo's Indie Direct showcasing exciting updates and DLCs, the official reveal of a new SpongeBob game starring Patrick, and Capcom's announcement of classic fighting game collections. We'll also discuss Konami's HD remakes of Suikoden 1&2 and Dragon Quest 3, Hideo Kojima's plans for Death Stranding 2 at the Tokyo Game Show, potential hints about The Last of Us Part III from Naughty Dog, and much more!
    Nintendo Indie Direct, Pizza Tower, Tetris Forever, Suikoden 1&2, Dragon Quest 3, The Last of Us Part III, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Death Stranding 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Shadow the Hedgehog, Deadlock, Valve, Hideo Kojima, Gaming News, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, PC Gaming, Upcoming Games, Game Cancellations
  • The 10 Most Famous Video Game Cheats Of All Time
    Sometimes the best thing about playing video games is breaking them and these cheats did exactly that and the games were infinitely better for it! For this list we’ll be looking at some of the most famous cheat codes in video games and how they completely changed the way we play.
    cheat codes, watchmojo, mojo, mojoplays, video games, top 10, countdown, nintendo, mortal kombat, blood code, thel legend of zelda, levels, skip, tomb raider, unlocks, pokemon, red, blue, metroid, mike tyson's punch out, god mode, doom, goldeneye, 007, dk mode, rosebud, the sims, the konami code, contra, crash bandicoot, spyro the dragon, silent hill 3, easter egg, simoleons, oddjob, justin bailey, samus, playstation
  • Top 10 Video Game Sequels We're STILL Waiting For
    There are a lot of video games we'd love to see get sequels, but it feels like we'll be waiting a long time for them. For this list, we’ll be looking at follow-ups for some of our favorite games that we’d be over the moon to see. We aren’t including any sequels that have been officially revealed. However, rumored sequels, canceled projects, and those that have been mentioned by developers are still fair game.
    video game sequels we want, games that deserve sequels, gaming, nintendo, playstation, xbox, sony, microsoft, sleeping dogs, ape escape, bully, rockstar, pikmin, spyro, spyro the dragon, activision, mario, super mario rpg, snes, square enix, bloodborne, ps4, silent hill, konami, portal, half-life, half life, valve, pc gaming, steam, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • Top 10 Video Games That Were Set Up To Fail
    We like to believe studios want their games to succeed, but it seems these releases were set up for failure. For this list, we’re looking at games that were practically set up to ultimately bomb at launch.
    worst video games, worst games, disappointing video games, disappointing games, gaming, playstation, xbox, no man's sky, pc gaming, crash team racing, crash bandicoot, spyro, spyro the dragon, duke nukem, duke nukem forever, fallout 76, bethesda, fallout, assassin's creed, assassin's creed unity, ubisoft, crucible, anthem, bioware, ea, marvel's avengers, marvel, avengers, e.t., watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games
Spyro Year of the Dragon listed in these videos