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Found 14 search results for Time Lord
  • Mary Poppins is a Time Lord: Query the Theory
    Introducing "Query the Theory", a new show from WMUK where we pick apart prominent pop culture ideas, to determine which outlandish, outrageous, obscure and incredible notions have the most credibility. For today's show, we're dissecting the popular "Doctor Who" fan theory, that Mary Poppins is a Time Lord!
    Top 10, Top 5, List, WMUK, Query the Theory, Theory, Fan Theory, Conspiracy, Doctor Who, Mary Poppins, Emily Blunt, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Christopher Eccleston, Jodie Whittaker, Regeneration, Mary Poppins Returns, Julie Andrews, Musical, Time Lord, Time Lady, Dalek, Davros, Alien, Time travel, Missy, Clara, Amy Pond, Karen Gillan, Doctor's daughter, Shared Universe, TARDIS, Gallifrey, Costume, Debunk, Myth, Fact,
  • Rick Sanchez vs The Doctor
    The Doctor and Rick Sanchez are both dimension-traveling geniuses, but which one is better? In this installment of Versus, we’re pitting the Doctor of “Doctor Who” against Rick Sanchez from “Rick and Morty.”
    the doctor, doctor who, rick and morty, rick sanchez, morty, david tennant, matt smith, peter capaldi, justin roiland, television, series, bbc, uk, cartoon network, adult swim, cartoon, animation, animated, tardis, sonic screwdriver, sci fi shows, best shows, best sci fi shows, time lord, comedy, sitcom, best animated shows, tv shows, TV, Sci Fi, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Characters That Could Be Time Lords
    A list of the top 10 pop culture characters that could be "Doctor Who" Time Lords in disguise
    Doctor Who, Time Lord, The Doctor, Secret Time Lord, Doctor Who Time Lord, Doctor Who theory, Doctor Who news, Doctor Who episode, Doctor Who character, Doctor Who cast, Mary Poppins Doctor Who, Santa Doctor Who, James Bond Doctor Who, Sherlock Doctor Who, Mary Poppins Time Lord, Santa Time Lord, James Bond Time Lord, Tommy Pickles Time Lord, Ash Ketchum Time Lord, Sherlock Time Lord, Top 10, List, WatchMojo, Watch Mojo, WMUK,
  • Top 10 Doctor Who Companions – Best of WatchMojo
    You can’t embark upon a journey through time and space alone. That’s why this Time Lord has these friends! Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 Doctor Who companions. For this list, we’re looking at those companions who spent more than one story with the Doctor, but not necessarily just those who’ve travelled on the TARDIS. We’re excluding Captain Jack Harkness because he’s more well known for his time as the lead character in the spin-off “Torchwood.”
    doctor who, uk, companion, best, sci fi, science fiction, syfy, british sci fi shows, susan foreman, martha jones, jamie mccrimmon, clara oswald, dorothy gale ace mcshane, romana ii, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
  • What If We Could Time Travel?
    It's a question which has puzzled science fiction writers for decades, a topic for film and TV classics including "Doctor Who" and "Back to the Future", and a problem that we've likely all considered at one point in our lives. So, what if time travel was possible, and time machines were must-have gadgets? What would you do if you could travel in time?
    What if, Getty, Unveiled, Question, Impossible question, Theory, Hypothesis, Future, Science fiction, Science, Technology, Time travel, Doctor Who, Back to the Future, Time machine, Time loop, Space, Interstellar, Light speed, Twin paradox, Wormhole, Stephen Hawking, Black hole, Astrophysics, Linear, TARDIS, Fixed point, Parallel universe, Grandfather paradox, Paradox, Physics, Time traveller, Time Lord, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, History, Rewrite history, Back in time, Forward in time, Alien, Ancient, Exciting, Strange, Weird, Impossible, News, Breakthrough, Teleport, Travel, Regret, Memory, Sci-fi, Fantasy,
  • Top 10 Doctor Who Easter Eggs
    A list of the top 10 coolest and cleverest hidden gags, trivia tidbits and out of this world Easter eggs - including some that you may have missed - from the fan favourite BBC sci-fi series, "Doctor Who"
    Doctor Who, DW, Whovian, The Doctor, Easter egg, TARDIS, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Sci fi, Science fiction, Time Lord, Gallifrey, Fan theory, Dalek, Hidden message, Hidden, Time travel, TV, BBC, Trivia, Top 10, Top 5, List, WatchMojo, WMUK,
  • Top 10 Doctor Who Quotes
    A list of the top 10 most memorable, iconic, inspirational and incredible quotes from the BBC sci-fi series, "Doctor Who"
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Doctor Who, Doctor, BBC, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, Quote, Last lines, Final words, TARDIS, Dalek, Thirteenth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Peter Capaldi, Karen Gillan, Billie Piper, Colin Baker, Tom Baker, William Hartnell, Amy Pond, Rose Tyler, Time Lord, Gallifrey, Doctor Who news, regeneration, famous Doctor Who, Doctor Who music, actor, Famous lines, Doctor Who quote, speech, scene, moment, Timey wimey, Blink, Never trust a hug, Classic, NuWho, Whovian, Theory, Episode, Jodie Whittaker, Doctor Who costume, Alien, Sonic, time travel, Space,
  • Top 10 Doctor Who Parodies
    A list of the top 10 funniest, most memorable and most convincing parodies of the BBC sci-fi classic series, "Doctor Who"
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Doctor Who, Parody, Parodies, Lenny Henry, David Walliams, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Rowan Atkinson, Joanna Lumley, Hugh Grant, Dead Ringers, Jon Culshaw, Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, Peter Davison, The Curse of Fatal Death, Comic Relief, Comedy, How It Should Have Ended, Web of Caves, Lenny Henry Show, Nicholas Briggs, Corridor Sketch, Brad Hansen, Doctor Games, It’s a Square World, Clive Dunn, TARDIS, New Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Eleventh Doctor, The Doctor, Dalek, Time Lord, Gallifrey, Doctor Who scene, Doctor Who episode, Regeneration,
  • Top 5 Things You Didn't Know About Jodie Whittaker
    A list of the 5 things you might not have known about the thirteenth Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker!
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker, Regeneration, 13th Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, TARDIS, Christmas special, BBC, Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Pearl Mackie, Matt Lucas, Billie Piper, Broadchurch, Black Mirror, Attack the Block, 1,000 Kisses Deep, Time Lord, Sonic screwdriver, time travel, science fiction, sci-fi, alien, dalek, cyberman, exterminate, space, space travel, sfx, science fiction,
  • Top 5 Awesome Facts about Doctor Who
    A List of the Top 5 Doctor Who Facts
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Doctor Who, WMFacts, Facts, David Tennant, Dalek, Cybermen, Matt Smith, Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, Dr Who, Episode, Scene, Best, Greatest, JFK assassination, Time Lord, Karen Gillan, Tenth, Eleventh, Whovian, Torchwood, Peter Capaldi, BBC, Missing, Serial, lost episode, Watchmojo,
  • Top 10 Actresses Who Could Play Doctor Who
    If our favorite Time Lord were to ever to regenerate into a Time Lady, these are the faces we want to see! Welcome to MsMojo and today we are counting our picks for the top ten actresses who could play Doctor Who.
    MsMojo, TV, Doctor Who, BBC, Hayley Atwell, Miranda Hart, Helena Bonham Carter, Ruth Wilson, Lara Pulver, Felicity Jones, Tamsin Grey, Michelle Dockery, Emma Thompson, Tilda Swinton, Time Travel, TARDIS
  • Top 10 Doctor Who Companions
    You can't embark upon a journey through time and space alone. That's why this Time Lord has these friends! Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Doctor Who Companions.
    tv, television, tv shows, doctor who, bbc, companions, friends, rose taylor, dorothy gale 'ace' mcshane, susan foreman, romana ii, sarah jane smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, amy pond, jamie mccrimmon, top 10, WatchMojo
  • Rétrospective sur la Franchise Doctor Who
    Il voyage à travers l'espace et le temps dans une cabine téléphonique bleue. Joignez-vous à en portant un regard sur l'histoire de Doctor Who.
    Doctor Who, Dr. Who, Who, Tardis, Sonic Screwdriver, The Doctor, Time Lord, BBC, science fiction, télévision, rétrospective, Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, Compagnons, histoire, émission, programme, Matt Smith, William Hartnell, David Tennant
  • Doctor Who Franchise Retrospective
    He travels through space and time in a blue police call box. Join as we take a look back at the history of Doctor Who.
    Doctor Who, Dr. Who, Who, Tardis, Sonic Screwdriver, The Doctor, Time Lord, BBC, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Television, Retrospective, Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, Companions, History, Show, Programme, Matt Smith, William Hartnell, David Tennant
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