2017 has been a hard year...wait...what did YOU mean by that? The are the hottest, most attractive, insanely beautiful and drop dead gorgeous male AND female characters to grace our screens this year. Welcome to http://WatchMojo.com/ and today we are counting down the Top 10 Sexiest VideoGame Characters of 2017.
Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, videogame, Sexy, Sexiest, 2017, Of the year, the year's, Hot, Hottest, Character, Nina Williams, Tekken 7, Anne Takamaki, Persona 5, Young Kazuma Kiryu, Yakuza 0, Chloe Frazer, Uncharted, The Lost Legacy, Chloe, Dream Daddy, Menat, Street Fighter V, BJ, B.J., Blazkowicz, Wolfenstein II, New Colossus, Aloy, Horizon, Zero Dawn, HZD, Sebastian, Castellanos, Evil Within 2, 2b, Nier, Automata, Nier Automata, Hottest character, hottest video game character, hottest videogame character, sexiest character,