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Found 13 search results for alien predator
  • Top 10 Movie Rip Offs of the Last 10 Years
    Talk about cheap cinematic imitations. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most shameless film knockoffs in the last ten years, judging them based on their quality - or lack thereof.
    movie ripoffs, movie copycats, twin movies, ripoffs, copycats, worst movies, movie knockoffs, knockoffs, movies, planet dune, dune, operation dunkirk, alien romulus, alien, alien predator, top gunner danger zone, top gun, ape vs mecha ape, monsterverse, fast and furious, the fast and the fierce, independents day, avengers grimm, avengers, marvel, skyscraper, the meg, The Asylum, asylum movies, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 Times Action Movies Crossed Over
    Admit it, you really wanted a Xenomorph to face off against Predator from the start! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most riveting crossovers between films and franchises. If you haven’t seen some of these thrill-rides, this is your spoiler alert!
    action movie crossovers, movie crossovers, crossovers, king kong, godzilla, king kong vs godzilla, Zatoichi and the One-Armed Swordsman, the lego movie, dc superheroes, superman, batman, fast and furious, the fast and the furious tokyo drift, ready player one, van helsing, collateral, alien, predator, alien vs. predator, Film, Movies, Action, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best action movies, best movies
  • ¡Top 20 REVELACIONES de Monstruos en el CINE!
    En esta lista estaremos viendo las mejores y más espeluznantes escenas en donde el monstruo es revelado en la historia.
    revelaciones de monstruos, películas de monstruos, revelaciones de monstruos en películas, aterradoras revelaciones de monstruos en películas, impactantes revelaciones de monstruos, monstruos del cine, monstruos de películas, mejores películas de monstruos, revelaciones icónicas de monstruos, Alien, Predator, king kong, Godzilla, godzilla: king of the monsters, Laberinto del Fauno, Frankenstein, Jaws, night of the living dead, WatchMojo, mojo,
  • Top 20 Scariest Movie Aliens
    You don't want to tangle with these extra-terrestrials. For this list, we’ll be looking at creepiest and most horrifying aliens from throughout the history of film.
    scariest movie aliens, movie aliens, scariest aliens, scariest movie creatures, scary aliens, scariest movie monsters, terrifying movie aliens, alien characters, alien villains, worst alien characters, evil aliens, alien characters in movies, a quiet place, alien, predator, the thing, dreamcatcher, it, pennywise, fire in the sky, slither, war of the worlds, they live, Film, Movies, Sci Fi, watchmojo
  • Top 20 Monster Movie Reveals
    These cinematic reveals are downright terrifying! For this list, we’ll be looking at the greatest and scariest scenes in which a monster is introduced into the story.
    monster movie reveals, monster movies, monster reveals, scary monster movie reveals, shocking monster movie reveals, terrifying monster movie reveals, awesome monster movie reveals, movie monsters, best movie monsters, greatest movie monsters, iconic movie monster reveals, alien, predator, king kong, godzilla, godzilla: king of the monsters, alien, pan's labyrinth, frankenstein, jaws, night of the living dead, watchmojo, mojo, list, top 10
  • Sequel-Boot Completely Explained (Sequel-Reboot)
    Is this hybrid of a sequel and a reboot the best of both worlds, or just an attempt to please everyone? For this video we’re taking a look at a new way to revive dormant film franchises that isn’t quite so new after all.
    sequel boot completely explained, reboots, sequels, movie reboots, prequels, movie sequels, movie prequels, movie franchises, film franchises, bad remakes, sequel boot, classic franchise, classic film franchise, terminator, rocky, die hard, friday the 13th, alien, predator, a nightmare on elm street, halloween, superman, godzilla, action movies, horror movies, action, horror, dormant film franchises
  • Top 10 R-Rated Movie Franchises That Went PG-13
    Nothing like toning down an adult series for the kids! For this list, we’ll be looking at various movies franchises that started their lives as adult-oriented, R-rated movies before transitioning to PG-13, even if it was for one movie only.
    r rated franchises that went pg, r rated movies with pg sequels, franchises that transitioned to pg, movies that should have been r rated, r rated movies cut to pg, r rated movies, r rated, pg sequels, sequels, worst sequels, tame sequels, sequels that should have been r, terminator, the expendables, die hard, robocop, mad max, alien, predator, riddick, scary movie, action, horror, sci-fi, film, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • TOP 10 der Kreaturen, die sich nur ungern töten lassen!!
    Manche Bösewichte und ekelhaften Kreaturen lassen sich nur sehr, sehr ungern aus dem Weg räumen. Sie ziehen sich, oftmals schleimig, durch einen Film durch und lassen jeden Superhelden alt aussehen. Wir haben euch eine Liste derer zusammengestellt, die wir als sehr widerstandsfähig empfunden haben. :) Teilt ihr unsere Meinung zu Agenten, Vampiren und Untoten?
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo deutschland, top 10, filme, kreaturen, untot, vampire, terminator, alien, predator, arnold schwarzenegger, twilight, dracula, der exorzist, nosferatu, das ding, freddy krüger, from dusk till dawn, xenomorphen, zombies, 300, lieben, wie ein einzige rtag, ryan gosling, tanz der teufel, raubtiere, dämonen, matrix, agenten, nightmare, chucky, die mörderpuppe, superman, godzilla
  • TOP 10 der tödlichsten Horrormonster
    "ES" war ein Kultfilm der ersten Stunde, und ist es noch immer. Mit der Neuauflage kamen jedoch einige Veränderungen, die dem Erfolg des Klassikers keinen Abbruch tun. Heute zeigen wir euch die TOP 10 Unterschiede der 1990 und 2017 Verfilmung. Was sagt ihr dazu?
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, clover, cloverfield, es, clown, freddy krueger, nightmare on elm street, mörderische träume, xenomorph, alien, predator, das ding, das ding aus einer anderen welt, ring, samara, graboide, hororfilme, horror, filme, unterhaltung, der blob, der wolfsmensch, hellraiser, zenobitenführer, pinhead, jason, freitag der 13, monster, gegner, leben, tod, cineast
  • Top 10 Deadliest Horror Monsters
    Horror movie monsters are formidable killing machines on the silver screen, but out of all of them, which are the most lethal? WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Horror Movie Monsters That Kill the Most! But who will take the top spot on our list? Xenomorph from "Alien", the eponymous "Predator", or the thing from "The Thing"? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Movie, film, Horror, monster, deadly, scary, It, Pennywise, Clown, The Thing, Alien, Predator, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, The Blob, The Wolfman, Hellraiser, Cloverfield, The Host, The Ring, tremors, deadly, scary, wtf, cringe, blood, gore, WatchMojo
  • Alien vs. Predator Movie Franchises
    The ultimate showdown of extraterrestrial hunter/killers. Join as we pit two of the most popular Sci-Fi movie franchises against each other: Alien and Predator.
    movies, films, alien, predator, franchises, sci-fi, action, ridley scott, james cameron, arnold schwarzenegger, sigourney weaver, horror, suspense, kills, creatures, classic lines, versus, vs., head to head, comparison, WatchMojo
  • Top 10 Fictional Movie Universes
    The movies transport us to these worlds filled with action, fantasy and wonder. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Fictional Movie Universes.
    movies, films, fictional, fictional movie universes, movie universes, universes, godzilla, harry potter, pirates of the caribbean, star trek, star wars, lord of the rings, marvel cinematic universe, alien, predator, top 10, WatchMojo
  • Top 10 Best Crossover Video Games
    If there's one thing better than your beloved gaming franchise, it's a game that meshes it with your other favourite! From Nintendo's mascots throwing it down together, to Marvel taking on Capcom and the world of Disney mixed in with Final Fantasy, there have been countless such games made for the fans. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Crossovers in Video Games.
    Crossover, Cross Over, Video Game, Gaming, Franchise, Top 10, Countdown, List, Cameo, Smash Bros, Nintendo, Capcom, Marvel, Versus, Vs, Kingdom hearts, Disney, Sonic, Mario, Alien, Predator, King of the Fighters, Best, Greatest, Battletoads, Robocop, Term, best video game ports, best video game crossover, best game platform adaptations, best platform ports, best game port, greatest video game ports,
alien predator listed in these videos
alien predator listed in these suggestions