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Found 96 search results for battlefront II loot box
  • Does Battlefront 2 Still Suck?
    Star Wars Battlefront 2 is now a little over a year old. A lot of people dropped this game after only a few hours, or outright dismissed it. There were a lot of serious issues with the game at launch but has it improved to the point where it is worth your time? Here is our one year review of Battlefront II.
    star wars, star wars battlefront 2, battlefront II, battlefront 2 review, star wars review, video game review, videogame review, star wars videogames, star wars videogames, star wars video game, star wars game review, star wars battlefront 2 new characters, star wars battlefront 2 new heroes, battlefront 2 new, battlefront 2 new heroes, watchmojo, mojoplays, video essay, video review
  • Top 10 Things Battlefront II Needs to Get Right!
    While the first game certainly looked the part, it was still far, far away from perfect. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things Battlefront II Needs to GET RIGHT!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Star Wars, Battlefront, BF2, EA, Dice, Electronic Arts, Shooter, FPS, Multiplayer, Needs, better than, needs to get right, do well, has to have, needs to have, should have, better game, best game, star wars game, best star wars, worst star wars, rip off, ea games, dice games, trilogy, clone wars, prequel, lightsaber, blaster, battle,
  • Top 10 Classic Star Wars Battlefront Maps
    Grab your blaster or lightsaber, rev up your fighter, and prepare for battle. Join as we count down our top picks for the Top 10 Maps in the Classic Star Wars Battlefront Series.
    videogames, arcade, classic star wars, classic star wars battlefront maps, star wars battlefront, polis massa, space mygeeto, endor, coruscant jedi temple, kashyyk, mos eisley, mustafar, death star, hoth, top 10, watchmojo
  • When Gamers Fought Loot Boxes and Won
    Loots boxes and micros transactions kicked it into high gear in 2017-18, and suffice it to say, gamers were PISSED. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 caught the most flakk, but players fought back on all fronts and publishers and developers actually took notice, and things actually changed.
    gaming, video games, videogames, gameplay, lootboxes, loot boxes, video game controversy, star wars, star wars battlefront, battlefield, call of duty, overwatch, cosmetics, loot box controversy, loot boxes bad, best loot boxes, worst loot boxes, worst lootboxes, mojoplays
  • Top 20 Disappointing Video Games of The Decade
    Sure, we’ve played some great releases this decade, but it’s also seen more than its fair share of collective sighs. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most disappointing video games released between 2010 and 2019. Our countdown includes “Star Wars Battlefront II”, “Anthem”, “Death Stranding”, “Duke Nukem Forever”, “Fallout 76”, and more! What game most disappointed YOU in the 2010s? Let us know in the comments!
    most disappointing video games of the decade, most disappointing video games, worst video games of the decade, worst video games, video games that didn't live up to the hype, video games of the decade, video games 2010s, aliens: colonial marines, duke nukem forever, no man's sky launch, anthem, star wars battlefront II, anthem, death stranding, fallout 76, simcity, metroid: other m, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games
  • Has EA Ruined Their Chance With Star Wars?
    While there are quite a few people who stand by Battlefront 2, a lot of other gamers aren't happy with how EA has been handling their exclusivity to the Star Wars licence.
    star wars, star wars video games, star wars disney, disney, ea star wars game canceled, canceled star wars games, open world star wars game, EA, electronic arts, star wars battlefront, ea star wars licence, ea star wars video game licence, ea star wars exclusives, ea star wars licence expire, new ea star wars games, video game essay, videogame essay, mojoplays essay, mojoplays, watchmojo
  • TOP 10 des PIRES tactiques des distributeurs de JEUX VIDÉO pour prendre votre ARGENT !
    Les développeurs de jeux vidéo ne sont pas toujours reconnus pour mettre les joueurs au premier plan. Pour cette liste, nous examinons toutes les tactiques les plus louches que font les éditeurs et les développeurs pour augmenter leurs recettes
    pires choses que font les jeux vidéo, pires choses que font les jeux, jeux de service en direct, microtransactions, loot box, boîte à butin, Ubisoft, EA, Electronic Arts, Anthem, Fallout 76, Marvel’s Avengers, Fortnite, PUBG, passes de saison, jeux inachevés, Star Wars Battlefront, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Destiny 2, The Division 2, jeux gratuits, pay to win, payer pour gagner, DLC, jeux vidéo, Business, Tech, watchmojo francais, watch mojo, top10
  • Top 10 Greediest Things Live Service Games Have Done to Take Your Money
    Putting players first is not something that "live service" games are well known for. For this list, we’re looking at all the shadiest things the publishers and developers of “games as a service” titles do to increase their bottom line.
    worst things live service games do, worst things about games as a service, games as a service, live service games, microtransactions, loot boxes, Ubisoft, EA, Electronic Arts, Anthem, Fallout 76, Marvels Avengers, Fortnite, PUBG, Season Pass, Unfinished Games, Star Wars Battlefront, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Destiny 2, The Division 2, free to play games, free-to-play, DLC, Video Games, Business, Tech
  • How Fans Rebel Against Video Game Publishers
    Gamer's enthusiasm is a double edge sword for video game publishers and developers. On one hand it builds the community and generates hype, but on the other hand it can make those same passionate gamers turn on game creators in a heartbeat. Today we're talking about how gamers fight back when they are dissatisfied, and when it goes to far.
    gaming, video games, gameplay, gamers vs developers, gamer outrage, video game rage, gamers fighting back, lootboxes, anti lootboxes, poor game sales, video game controversy, loot boxes, ea, star wars battlefront, steam reviews, downvotes, video game boycotts, street fighter v
  • Top 10 Things EA NEEDS To Do Better!
    2017 was a tough year, but we have faith that you guys can do better! Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things EA Needs To Do Better!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, EA, Electronic Arts, Worst, Sucks, Company, Corporation, Greed, EA Games, EA Sports, Better, improve, fix, money, dlc, lootbox, loot box, microtransactions, full price, Origin, Studios, star wars, battlefront 2, monetization, E3, investors, deadline, worst company, best company, good faith,
  • Top 5 Most Controversial Games of 2017
    It wouldn’t be a year of gaming without some big ol’ controversies to get those comment sections buzzing. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Controversial Games of 2017.
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, Star Wars Battlefront II, Destiny 2, Middle-Earth, Shadow of War, Wolfenstein II, The New Colossus, Mass Effect, Andromeda, BF2, loot box, nazi, alt right, no more nazis, loot boxes, microtransactions, ea, electronic arts, animations, bioware, montreal, sledgehammer, activision, cosmetic, scandal, PR, reddit, AMA, offended,
  • Top 10 Biggest Gaming Controversies of The Year
    It wouldn’t be gaming without a couple of really good scandals, and 2017 certainly did not disappoint in that regard! These are the instances of controversy, backlash, outrage, disappointment and pure failure - both deserved and completely fabricated - that happened throughout 2017. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Biggest Gaming Controversies of 2017!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, Controversy, Scandal, Outrage, Far cry 5, Fortnite, Battle Royale, PUBG, Playerunknown’s battlegrounds, Wolfenstein II, The new colossus, Alt-right, Mass Effect Andromeda, Modern Warfare, Remastered, Call of Duty 4, Cod4, Shadow of War, Microtransactions, Loot Boxes, TakeTwo, OpenIV, Grand Theft Auto V, Mod Support, dumbest, 2017, biggest, biggest controversy, biggest scandal, remove mod support, gta 5 mods, review bomb, suing epic games, alt-right, nazi, antifa, bethesda, marketing, infinite warfare, release, ea, battlefront II loot box, loot box controversy, ama, reddit, sjw, animations, Andromeda animations, ruined, worst, masseffect,
  • Top 10 Worst Things EA's Ever Done
    They just can't seem to get anything right these days eh? Well, aside from the millions of dollars worth of profits and a large library of hugely successful franchises - some of which are no doubt in your games library right now BUT WHATEVER. They've still made quite a few booboos. Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 EA Fails!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, EA, Electronic Arts, Fails, Worst, Worst Things, Negative, Dungeon Keeper, Command & Conquer, Origin, SecuRom, DRM, Spore, BioWare Montreal, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefront II, Star Wars, Battlefront, Sim City, EA Fail, Fails, Worst things EA, EA sucks, EA is the worst, EA Games, Worst EA Games, Closed by EA, EA Screwed, EA screwed up, messed up, Mass Effect Andromeda, Andromeda, Mass Effect, Ruined, Ruined Sim City, ruined mass effect, launch, launch of, always online, DRM, Sim City 4, Sims 4, worst launch, launch of, AMA, Customer Service, DLC, Loot Boxes, Controversy, PR, PRess Release, Reddit, Money, Stock, Profit, Shareholders,
  • Top 5 Dumbest Loot Boxes Systems in Games
    Oh look, some crap. I’m so happy this is in the game...Come along as we count down the most predator, deceitful, game ruining or just plain rip-off micro transaction slot machine gambles that have been added to recent games. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 5 Dumbest Loot Box Systems in Games.
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Loot Box, Gambling, Microtransaction, The Division, Money, Real money, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Middle-Earth, Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War, Forza Motorsport 7, COD, WW2, Forza 7, Star Wars, Battlefront 2, Lootbox, worst loot box, dumb loot box, ruined, ruin, micro transaction, pay to win, pay to play, f2p, rip-off, ruin the game,
  • 10 Games Held Back By A BAD Story
    Some games shine with stellar gameplay but falter when it comes to storytelling. For this list, we're diving into 10 games that could have been great if not for their lackluster narratives. From the uninspired plot of "Fallout 4" to the inconsistent tone of "Bayonetta 3", these titles left players wanting more from their stories. Whether it's a nonsensical twist or a missed opportunity, these games prove that even solid mechanics can't save a bad story.
    bad video game stories, worst video game stories, bad writing in games, video game narratives, storytelling in games, disappointing stories, wasted potential, Fallout 4, Bionic Commando, Indivisible, Metroid Other M, Bayonetta 3, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Borderlands 3, Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Immortals of Aveum, Forspoken, gaming, games, video games, WatchMojo, top 10, list, gameplay, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
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