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Found 5 search results for challenger explosion
  • Top 10 Live TV Moments That Left Us Speechless
    Live TV leaves nothing to the imagination! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for events or happenings on live television that left us amazed, shocked, or emotional.
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  • 10 Explosions Caught on Camera
    It's tough to watch tragedy in real time. For this list, we’ll be looking at unforeseen explosions that were accidentally recorded, whether by news cameras or bystanders.
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  • Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History
    These accidents cost a fortune. For this list, we’ll be looking at the costliest accidents throughout history and their approximate costs in US dollars.
    most expensive accidents in history, most expensive accidents, expensive accidents history, expensive accidents, accidents, expensive, disasters, expensive disasters, man made disasters, Chernobyl, deepwater horizon, wiehltal bridge explosion, Notre-Dame Fire, spirit of kansas crash, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, challenger explosion, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 80s Events the World Watched Together
    These 80s events made the world stand still. For this list, we’ll be looking at historic events that occurred in the 1980s that garnered an enormous amount of media attention.
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  • Top 10 Saddest Space Flight Disasters
    Unfortunately, there have been a number of horrific disasters of the space program. Between the explosions of the Challenge and Columbia space shuttles and the tragic deaths of the Apollo 1 astronauts in America, and the explosion of the Vostok-2M rocket and the deaths of the Soyuz 11 cosmonauts for the USSR, history’s worst space disasters have left a black mark on the space program. WatchMojo counts down ten of the most devastating space flight disasters ever.
    top 10, list, top 5, space flight, saddest space disasters, space accidents, deaths in space, deaths, explosions, crashes, NASA, Challenger explosion, Challenger, Columbia, Nedelin catastrophe, Soyuz 11, Vostok-2M, Valentin Bondarenko, Apollo 1
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