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Found 14 search results for deadshot
  • Supervillain Origins: deadshot
    This assassin never has to repeat himself. Join as we explore the comic book origins of Floyd Lawton, otherwise known as deadshot.
    Deadshot, Dead Shot, Top 10, List, Countdown, Comics, Comic Book, Bio, Retrospective, Batman, Dark Knight, Arkham, Floyd Lawton, Arrow, Gotham City, Villain, Suicide Squad, Bob Kane, Secret Six, Assassin, DC, History, Bio, Arrow
  • Marvel's Avengers vs Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
    Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Welcome to MojoPlays, and in this installment of Versus, we’re pitting "Marvel’s Avengers" against "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League" to see which panned superhero title is the worst.
    marvel's avengers vs suicide squad, avengers vs suicide squad, worst superhero games, worst superhero video games, worst games, avengers, marvel's avengers, suicide squad, suicide squad kill the justice league, justice league, gaming, games, comics, batman, harley quinn, superman, green lantern, the flash, deadshot, Video Games, Superhero, DC, Marvel, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, mojoplays
  • Top 10 Hated Comic Book Characters That Became Favorites
    Sometimes, you just need to give them a chance! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for unpopular comic characters that gained lots of fans. Beware of minor spoilers ahead.
    hated comic book characters, hated characters, best comic book characters, best characters, loved characters, comic book characters, mile morales, spiderman, spider-man, dc comics, marvel comics, dceu, mcu, batman, jason todd, red hood, aquaman, mr freeze, guy gardner, justice league, green lantern, ben reilly, artemis, wonder woman, deadshot, dc deadshot, squirrel girl, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • TOP 10 des SUPER-VILAINS de DC SANS POUVOIRS métahumains ou magiques !
    Ces méchants n'ont jamais eu besoin de superpouvoirs pour mettre en branle leurs plans machiavéliques ! Pour cette liste, nous allons nous pencher sur les meilleurs antagonistes de l’univers DC qui n'ont généralement pas de superpouvoirs innés.
    Comics, DC, Marvel, Super-vilain, meilleurs vilains de comics, meilleurs vilains de dc, meilleurs vilains, catwoman, vilains de comics, super-vilains de dc, vilains de dc, deadshot, harley quinn, lex luthor, liste, mojo, oswald cobblepot, pouvoirs, ra's al ghul, épouvantail, les plus forts méchants, super-vilains sans pouvoirs, le joker, le pingouin, top 10, méchants, méchants sans pouvoirs, méchants sans super pouvoirs, watchmojo francais
  • Everything We Know About Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League
    Welcome to MojoPlays! Today, we’re looking at everything we know and some predictions about “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League." For this list, we'll be looking at the details already revealed as well as some predictions about Rocksteady's upcoming release.
    everything we know about suicide squad, suicide squad kill the justice league, suicide squad game, suicide squad, justice league, rocksteady, harley quinn, king shark, captain boomerang, deadshot, brainiac, superhero, superman, wonder woman, flash, green lantern, batman, Video Games, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, Multiplayer, Single Player, Action, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Will Smith
    This actor is iconic, but do you really know everything there is to know about him? For this list, we’ll be looking at lesser-known facts about Willard Carroll Smith Jr. - yes, that’s his full name.
    things you didn't know about will smith, will smith, actor, acting, celeb, film, tv, movies, will smith facts, will smith details, will smith movies, will smith shows, will smith trivia, fresh prince, suicide squad, deadshot, independence day, i am legend, bad boys, men in black, rap, dj jazzy jeff, will smith grammy, will smith records, Celebrity, Hollywood, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • ¡Top 10 Supervillanos de DC SIN PODERES Metahumanos o Mágicos!
    Estos villanos nunca necesitaron superpoderes para causar problemas.
    watchmojo español, mojo español, top 10, supervillanos sin poderes, villanos sin superpoderes, villanos sin poderes, sin poderes, poderes, villanos de dc, villanos, supervillanos de dc, mejores villanos, mejores villanos de dc, mejores villanos de cómics, villanos de cómics, villanos más fuertes, deadshot, catwoman, ra’s al ghul, el joker, harley quinn, oswald cobblepot, el pinguino, scarecrow, lex luthor, gatubela, cómics, historietas, mejores,
  • Top 10 DC Supervillains without Metahuman or Magic Powers
    These villains never needed superpowers to cause trouble. For this list, we’ll be looking at the best antagonists in this universe who generally don’t have innate superpowers.
    supervillains without powers, villains without super powers, villains without powers, without powers, powers, dc villains, villains, dc supervillains, best villains, best dc villains, best comic book villains, comic book villains, strongest villains, deadshot, catwoman, ra’s al ghul, the joker, harley quinn, oswald cobblepot, the penguin, scarecrow, lex luthor, Comics, DC, Supervillain, Marvel
  • Top 10 Reasons Suicide Squad is Hated
    These are the top 10 reasons Suicide Squad is hated. Here are a few Squad goals for future DC films to avoid! For this list, we’ll be looking at the major issues that fans and general cinemagoers alike had with the 2016 film, “Suicide Squad”. From its messy opening, awkward editing, terrible dialogue, and, well, anything Joker-related to come from this film... well, we're just hoping "Birds of Prey" and James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad" can pick up the slack. They're the bad guys, it's what they... SHOULDN'T do.
    reasons why suicide squad is hated, why did everyone hate suicide squad, things suicide squad got wrong, everything wrong with suicide squad, why suicide squad failed, why suicide squad is the worst dceu movie, why suicide squad was bad, why suicide squad sucks, suicide squad, birds of prey, birds of prey 2020, birds of prey trailer 2019, harley quinn, joker, deadshot, jared leto, margot robbie, will smith, david ayer, Movies, Comics, Film, DC, Supervillain, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Michael Wynands
  • Top 10 COMIC-Schurken ohne SUPERKRÄFTE
    Es sind nicht immer die Superkräfte, die einen zum Helden - oder Schurken machen. Willkommen bei WatchMojo Deutschland und heute schauen wir uns die 10 besten Comic-Schurken ohne Superkräfte an.
    Shredder, Turtles, Kingpin, Justin Hammer, Iron Man 2, Joker, Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Arrow, Pinguin, Michelle Pfeiffer, Catwoman,
  • TOP 10 der schlimmsten Dinge, die HARLEY QUINN zugestoßen sind
    In dieser Liste blicken wir zurück auf einige der traumatischsten Erlebnisse dieser ehemaligen Psychiaterin, die jetzt eine liebenswerte Schurkin ist. Der Joker darf da natürlich nicht fehlen!
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, top zehn, dc, dc comics, harley quinn, zeichentrick, comic, joker, batman, the new batman adventures, deadshot, guy kopskis, quinz, suicide squad, amanda waller, harleen quinzel, clownprinzen, injustice, superman, lucy quinzel,
  • LOGAN Releases BLOODY Found Footage Teaser – The CineFiles Ep. 8
    Did you hear that Mel Gibson might join the Suicide Squad? That the Coen brothers are scripting the Scarface remake? Or what about that Logan, secret found footage video? No? We’ve got you covered. Welcome to the CineFiles! A weekly show where we zoom in on the most buzz-worthy news Hollywood and the indie scene has to offer.
    mel gibson, mel, gibson, suicide squad, suicide, squad, direct, director, marvel, DC, warner bros, DCEU, margot robbie, harley quinn, deadshot, the joker, joker, david ayer, jared leto, will smith, ayer, logan, wolverine, x-23, x23, laura,, found footage, teaser, trailer, adamantium, comics, comic books, comic, superhero, superheroes, super hero, coen brothers, coen, joel coen, ethan coen, scarface, tony montana, remake, reboot, script, writing, script doctor, diego luna, rogue one, star wars, the great wall, matt damon, a cure for wellness, dane dehaan
  • Top 10 Comic-Schurken ohne Superkräfte
    Es sind nicht immer die Superkräfte, die einen zum Helden - oder Schurken machen. Willkommen bei WatchMojo Deutschland und heute schauen wir uns die 10 besten Comic-Schurken ohne Superkräfte an.
    Shredder, Turtles, Kingpin, Justin Hammer, Iron Man 2, Joker, Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Arrow, Pinguin, Michelle Pfeiffer, Catwoman, Mysterio, Spiderman, Spider-Man, Batman, Arkham, Riddler, Daredevil, Bullseye, Captain Boomerang, Adam West,
  • Top 10 Comic Book Villains Without Powers
    It's not always the superpower that make the man... or the villain. Join as we count down our Top 10 Comic Book Villains Without Powers.
    films, movies, comics, comic books, villains without powers, villains, the riddler, the shredder, the penguin, justin hammer, mysterio, joker, lex luthor, kingpin, harley quinn, deadshot, top 10, watchmojo