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Found 2 search results for dubya
  • George W. Bush Bio: From the Military to the White House
    He is best known as dubya. learns more about the life and accomplishments of the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush.
    George W. Bush, United States, dubya, USA, president, 9/11, September 11, war, Bush administration, Bushisms, Arbusto, campaign, Al Gore, 2000 election, Republican, conservative, Yale University, Harvard University, Texas Air National Guard, Decision Poin
  • Bio de George W. Bush: Des Forces Armées à la Maison Blanche
    Il est mieux connu sous le surnom, ''dubya''. Http:// en apprend davantage sur la vie et les accomplissements de George W. Bush.
    George W. Bush, États-Unis, USA, président, 9/11, 11 septembre, guerre, administration Bush, Bushismes, Arbusto, campagne, Al Gore, élection de 2000, Républicain, conservateur, Yale University, Harvard University, Texas Air National Guards, D
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