It's official that Star Wars: episode viii - The Last Jedi is a hit, and although divisive and not without controversy, the movie did more than a few things very very well! WatchMojo presents the Top 5 Best Parts of Star Wars: The Last Jedi! What do you think we loved the most? Is it the story of Luke Skywalker, the larger themes that the movie speaks to, or a certain cameo from a certain Jedi master? Watch to find out!
Top 5, Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, Controversy, amazing, great, Controversy, The Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens, Rey, Luke Skywalker, Jedi, Ahch to, porg, chewbacca, finn, poe dameron, admiral holdo, binary sunset, yoda, master, force tree, canto bight, leia organa, carrie fisher, throne room, battle, the epilogue, praetorian guard, mark hamill, daisy ridley, WatchMojo