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Found 1 search results for eric harris
  • Top 10 Reasons April Is the WORST Month
    Have you ever noticed that April is a tragedy-filled month? Not only is April the month of Adolph Hitler’s birthday; historically, April is also a violent month, with the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine High School massacre, and the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. all taking place all bad things that happened in April. WatchMojo counts down ten of the worst tragedies to ever take place in the month of April.
    top 10, list, top 5, reasons April is the worst month, april tragedies, crime, criminals, tragedies, deaths, murders, assassinations, Columbine High School Massacre, Rwandan genocide, Titanic, sinking of the Titanic, Chernobyl disaster, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Bay of Pigs invasion, Oklahoma City Bombing, San Francisco Earthquake, Boston marathon bombing, natural disasters, Cuba, John F Kennedy, JFK, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, James Earl Ray, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, disasters in april in history, april 14-20 tragedies, april disasters and trends of violence, april tragedies over the years, bad historical events in april, bad things happen in april list, bad things that happened on april 20, major events that happened on april 19
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