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Found 14 search results for flash gordon
  • Top 10 Cheesiest Movies from the 1980s
    We're going to need some crackers for all this cheese... Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the cheesiest 80’s films!
    cheesiest movies, cheesiest 80s movies, cheesiest, 80s movies, one liners, movie quotes, quotes, best 80s movies, classic movies, 1980s, 80s, cult classics, road house, patrick swayze, over the top, sylvester stallone, the last starfighter, the running man, masters of the universe, he-man, mattel, flash gordon, big trouble in little china, karate kid, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • Top 10 Trashy But Fun Movies
    One person's trash is another person's treasure! Just don't tell anyone... Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most over-the-top, arguably low-quality, but inexplicably fun and entertaining movies.
    trashy fun movies, guilty pleasure movies, guilty pleasure, best campy movies, best trashy movies, entertaining bad movies, best bad movies, bad movies, worst movies, the room, tommy wiseau, birdemic, leprechaun, leprechaun movies, street fighter movie, killer klowns from outer space, sharknado, troll 2, snakes on a plane, flash gordon, cocaine bear, road house, Film, Movies, Action, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best action movies
  • TOP 10 des PIRES séries de SUPER-HÉROS !
    Les super-héros sont une facette majeure de la culture pop, mais nous aimerions pouvoir oublier ces horribles séries télévisées ! Pour cette liste, nous allons nous pencher sur les tentatives les plus ridicule de faire apparaître des héros sur le petit écran.
    DC, Marvel, Super-héros, TV, abc, mauvaises séries de super-héros, blade, comics, quatre fantastiques, flash gordon, inhumans, iron fist, liste, mcu, mojo, netflix, tortues ninja, power rangers, série, séries de super-héros, télévision, tmnt, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, pires adaptations de comics, pires séries de comics, pires séries, pires adaptations de super-héros, pires séries de super-héros, pires séries télévisées
  • Top 10 WORST Superhero Shows EVER
    Superheroes are a major facet of pop culture, though we wish we could forget these awful TV shows! For this list, we’ll be looking at the cringiest attempts at bringing heroes to the small screen.
    worst superhero shows, worst tv shows, worst shows, superhero shows, bad superhero shows, worst comic book shows, worst comic book adaptations, worst superhero adaptations, worst superheroes, television, series, comics, iron fist, netflix, fantastic four, blade, ninja turtles, tmnt, flash gordon, power rangers, inhumans, abc, mcu, Superhero, TV, DC, Marvel, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Movies Where The World Is Saved At The Last Minute
    These are the top 10 movies in which the world is saved at the last minute. For this list, we're looking at films in which Earth is saved from destruction at the eleventh hour, with points given for suspense, improvisation, and just how fun and completely over-the-top are the scenarios involved when the world was saved at the very last minute. Since these moments are from the endings of the films in question, here's a big fat spoiler alert. Films like "Doctor Strange", "Ghostbusters", "Avengers: Endgame" and "Men in Black" really played on our nerves— until our esteemed heroes saved the world in the last minute.
    saved the world in the last minute movies, movies where the world is saved at the last minute, ticking time bomb movies, race against time movies, doctor strange, the core, ghostbusters, star trek, star trek 2009, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy vol. 2, avengers endgame, independence day, the fifth element, men in black, flash gordon, mars attacks, i am legend, armageddon, action movies, sci fi, superhero, superhero movies, watch mojo, watchmojo, list, top 10, Nick Roffey
    Il y a des films si... perchés, qu'on se demande si le seul moyen de comprendre ce qu'il se passe, ce n'est pas d'être sous l'effet de substances !! De quelles oeuvres parlons-nous ? Joignez-vous à nous pour le décompte de cette liste des 10 films à mater dans un autre état !
    films, cinéma, stoner comedy, Pineapple Express, Délire Express, Harold et Kumar, Trainspotting, Flash Gordon, H2G2, Guide du Voyageur Intergalactique, How High, Enter The Void, Interstellar, Monthy Python, Sacré Graal, Star Trek II: la colère de Khan, Top 10, Watchmojo, Watchmojo Français, france, fr
  • Top 10 Worst Live Action Superhero Shows
    With so many superhero shows out there, they can’t all stick the landing. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 worst live action superhero shows. For this list, we’re looking at TV series that feature super characters – but that’s the only “super” thing about them. Also, don’t expect to see any bad cartoons mentioned here.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, tv, television, comics, comic books, superheroes, super heroes, super, heroes, worst, live action, inhumans, birds of prey. the thundermans, the cape, flash gordon, night man, masked rider, teenage mutant ninja turtles, tmnt, the next mutation, the amazing spider-man, tattooed teenage alien fighters from beverly hills, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Superheroes That Need A Reboot
    Time to dust off the capes and jump back into the fray. Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the top ten superheroes that need a reboot. For this list we’ll be looking at superheroes that are in dire need of a cinematic revival or the Netflix treatment given the current state of their properties.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, HeMan, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Phantom, Jonah Hex, Flash Gordon, Blade, Swamp Thing, Fantastic Four, Spawn, Green Lantern, comics, comic, comic books, superhero, superheroes, super, hero, villains, teams, film, television, tv, reboot, reboots, need a reboot, rebooted, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Movies With Special Effects That Didn't Age Well
    You know, this isn’t as magical as we all remember it. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Movies with Special Effects that Didn't Age Well.
    films, movies, special effects, didn't age well, retro, effects, the mummy returns, star wars, phantom menace, lost in space, flubber, jurassic park iii, tron, flash gordon, virtuosity, the lawmower man, superman, top 10, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Movie Pillow Fights
    Bedroom hi-jinks and feathery fights: what more can you ask for? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Movie Pillow Fights.
    movies, films, pillow fights, pillows, sleepovers, fun, funny, scary movie 4, national lampoon's animal house, flash gordon, annie, the room, madagascar 3: europe's most wanted, the hot chick, shanghai knights, little nicky, streetdance 2, top 10
  • Top 10 Laser Gun Movie Battles
    Where would we be without these staples of science fiction warfare? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Laser Gun Movie Battles.
    movies, films, laser guns, battles, scenes, fights, sci-fi, action, the last starfighter, moonraker, the avengers, star wars episode iv: a new hope, flash gordon, star trek into darkness, terminator 2: judgment day, top 10, WatchMojo
  • Top 10 Cult Classic Sci-Fi Movies
    The weirder the better. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 cult classics – category: science fiction.
    top 10, watchmojo, movies, films, science fiction, sci fi, series, cult classics, blade runner, dark city, a clockwork orange, donnie darko, brazil, plan 9 from outer space, repo man, dark star, 12 monkeys, flash gordon, barbarella, death race 2000
  • Top 10 Unresolved Movie Cliffhangers
    Hold on tight, because these cliffhangers ain’t getting resolved anytime soon. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 movie cliffhangers that remain unresolved to this day.
    movies, films, cliffhangers, unresolved, the italian job, dawn of the dead, lock stock and two smoking barrels, the grey, 28 weeks later, deep rising, planet of the apes, prometheus, super mario bros, flash gordon, top 10, wmsuggest
  • Top 10 Movies So Bad They're Good
    Sometimes, a movie can transport us with its wit, ingenuity, and brilliance. These are not those movies. Join counts down our picks for the top 10 movies so bad they're good.
    movies, films, bad movies, movies so bad they're good, Plan 9 From Outer Space, The Room, Glen or Glenda, Troll 2, Mac and Me, Flash Gordon, Birdemic: Shock and Terror, Manos: The Hands of Fate, Over the Top, The Wicker Man