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Found 4 search results for games-as-service
  • Do Live-Service Game Reviews Count?
    Games as service video games are always evolving and being added to, so the version that people play at lunch often looks very different than what we play a year later. Games like Sea of Thieves, Diablo III and No Man's Sky were disappointing at launch, but patches and content updates made them worth buying in the end. On the other hand, people pay full price for a game at launch, so shouldn't that mean that, at launch, a live-service game should provide a full experience?
    video games, gaming, games as service, games-as-service, video game reviews, games as service reviews, multiplayer, multiplayer games, multi player gaming, multiplayer video games, multi player video games, open world, open world video games, video game essay, videogame essay, mojoplays essay, mojoplays, watchmojo
  • How Did EA Ruin Bioware?
    EA has been called the 'studio killer'. While some of EA's published Bioware games are great, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and of course the first three Mass Effects are great games published under the EA umbrella. But lately it feels like Bioware has had more and more trouble trying to keep up their trademark quality, and Anthem doesn't exactly have fans excited.
    gaming, video games, videogames, gameplay, bioware, EA, ea killed bioware, bioware dead, ea fail, ea fails, ea evil, anthem, single-player, single player games, singleplayer video games, games as service, loot boxes, scandal, problem with ea, ea bad, mojoplays
  • Why Does Sony Have All The Good Single-player Games?
    Are single-player games dying? Sony seems more committed than most other game publishers when it comes to making sure that gamers have a steady stream of single-player experiences to keep the whole idea alive. Why does the Playstation 4 have more single player games than the Xbox One? Join MojoPlays as we discuss why Sony wants to keep story in games. To get your ideas turned into WatchMojo or MojoPlays videos, head on over to
    gaming, video games, single-player, singleplayer, single player, multiplayer, multi player, sony, playstation, ps4, playstation 4, good single-player games, best single-player games, best games, single-player games 2018, 2018 games, battle royale, battleroyale, games as service, last of us, god of war, mojoplays, video essay, console war
  • Top 5 Things RUINING Gaming for Everyone
    Dude we’re trying to have fun here! Why d’you gotta be like that?! Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 5 Things That Are Ruining Gaming For Everyone!
    Ruining Gaming, killing gaming, destroying gaming, ruin, gamers, ruined, toxicity, corporate meddling, corporate greed, money making, greedy, greediest, microtransactions, micro transactions, monetization, games as service, EA, Ubisoft, business, ruining, wrecking, worst parts, Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game,
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