Let’s be honest, whatever we pick, you’re gonna lose your sh*t over it? Best to start writing your angry comments now. Welcome to http://WatchMojo.com and in today’s versus battle we’re pitting The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild against Horizon Zero Dawn to see which open world masterpiece stands supreme!
Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Versus, Compete, Compare, Better, Best, Battle, Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon, Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Legend of Zelda, Story, Gameplay, Graphics, HZD, Open World, Sandbox, Breath of the wild better than horizon, horizon better than zelda, horizon better than breath of the wild, breath of the wild better than zelda, better than, best, game of the year, best of 2017, best game of 2017, biggest game,