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Found 28 search results for idiots
  • Top 10 Lovable idiots on Sitcoms
    Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Lovable idiots on Sitcoms. For this list, we’ll be looking at characters from sitcoms who definitely should have paid more attention in school, but who nevertheless won us over with their charm. Also, we’re only including live-action characters on this list, so no animated ones.
    top 10 lovable idiots on sitcoms, lovable idiots on sitcoms, married with children, charlie kelly, it's always sunny in philadlephia, troy barnes, community, the good place, michael scott, the office, woody boyd, cheers, rose nylund, the golden girls, joey tribbiani, friends, phil dunphy, modern family, andy dwyer, parks and rec,TV, Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Lovable idiots in Anime
    Here's to the characters who make us wonder... would we have a more engaging conversation with a bag of rocks? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Anime idiots.
    films, anime, television, lovable, idiots, nimrods, dingus, tamaki, gourry, isaac and miria, the phantomhive servants, tatewaki kuno, okabe rintarou, monkey d luffy, akihisa, death the kid, italy, top 10, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Movie idiots
    These pea-brained, bone-headed dimwits keep us in stitches. Join as we count down the top 10 movie idiots.
    idiots, movie idiots, films, movies, The Hangover, The Naked Gun, Zoolander, National Lampoon's Vacation, Billy Madison, Anchorman, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, The Jerk, Dumb and Dumber, Caddyshack, morons
  • Top 10 Famous Monuments Ruined By Morons
    idiots don't discriminate when it comes to destruction. For this list, we’ll be looking at some reminders that human creations, no matter how remarkable or well-preserved, are never completely safe from human stupidity.
    monuments ruined by morons, monuments ruined by idiots, monuments, morons, idiots, dumb, worst, fails, history fails, dumbest people, dumb people, humans, ruined by humans, destroy, destruction, plymouth rock, los escolares cave, rapa nui, blarney stone, stonehenge, jim morrison grave, petroglyph national monument, great sphinx of giza, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Biggest Horror Movie idiots
    The scariest part of these horror films was these annoying characters. For this list, we’ll be looking at the biggest douchebags from films in the horror genre.
    horror movie idiots, movie idiots, horror movie villains, worst horror movie characters, worst movie characters, annoying horror characters, annoying movie characters, stupid horror characters, worst horror, most hated horror characters, midsommar, jaws, cabin fever, night of the living dead, dawn of the dead, gremlins, sleepaway camp, carrie, aliens, day of the dead, Horror, Film, Movies, Zombie
  • Top 10 Strongest Anime idiots
    Top 10 Strongest Anime idiots
    Anime, Dragon Ball,
  • Top 20 Smartest Decisions in Movies
    These movies would be very different if these characters were idiots! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most effective choices made by cinematic characters. More than a few spoilers!
    smartest decisions in movies, smartest decisions, smart decisions, best decisions, movie decisions, the godfather, the shawshank redemption, terminator, the shining, stephen king, iron man, mcu, marvel, avengers, infinity stones, thanos, die hard, indiana jones, raiders of the lost ark, inception, pirates of the caribbean, doctor strange, home alone, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • Top 10 Warning Labels Created for Morons
    The amount of money these companies have spent protecting idiots from harm will astonish you. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most outlandish warning labels that truly make you wonder why they were ever needed.
    warning labels, warning labels created for morons, morons, labels, labels created for morons, things ruined by morons, ruined by morons, warning labels for morons, most obvious warning labels, warning, labels, fast food warning labels, business warning labels, funniest warning labels, McDonald's, fails, fast food, Documentary, Education, Science, People, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • TOP 10 des MÉCHANTS INTELLIGENTS qui ont pris des décisions STUPIDES !
    Tout le monde commet des erreurs ! Pour cette liste, nous allons nous intéresser à des méchants sérieux qui ont soit fait des choses stupides, soit concocté des plans d'ensemble très idiots. N'oubliez pas qu'il y aura des spoilers.
    Comics,DC,Film,Marvel, Films,Supervillain,avengers,meilleurs méchants,dceu,décisions les plus stupides,décisions les plus stupides dans les films,méchants les plus stupides,empereur palpatine,gotg,guardians of the galaxy,henry cavill, james bond,liste,loki,mcu,mojo,décisions de méchants de films,motivations de méchants de films,plans de méchants de films,méchants de films,méchants les plus intelligents,star wars,superman,watchmojo francais
  • TOP 10 des LOIS qui ont été créées à cause d'un ABRUTI !
    Ces lois sont stupides. Pour cette liste, nous allons nous pencher sur les lois et autres précédents juridiques qui ont été mis en place dans les circonstances les plus ridicules.
    Education, Faits, Histoire, lois américaines, lois les plus folles, crimes qui ont changé les lois, lois stupides, lois les plus stupides, idiots, illégales, lois, lois créées à cause des crétins, liste, mojo, crétins, choses les plus illégales en Amérique, lois ridicules, stupides, lois stupides, lois les plus stupides, choses que vous ne croirez pas illégales, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo francais, lois les plus bizarres, pires lois
  • Top 10 Laws That Were Created Because of MORONS
    These laws are stoopid. For this list, we’ll be looking at legislation and other legal precedents that were put into place from the most ridiculous of circumstances.
    laws created because of morons, crimes that changed laws, law, laws, worst laws, dumbest laws, stupidest laws, stupid laws, dumb laws, most illegal things in america, american laws, craziest laws, morons, idiots, stupid, stupidest, weirdest laws, craziest, ridiculous laws, things you won't believe are illegal, illegal, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • 10 YouTube Pranks Gone Horribly Wrong
    These pranks went horribly wrong. For this list, we’ll be looking at pranks done by YouTubers which did not go according to plan.
    youtube pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, pranks, youtube pranks, youtuber, youtuber pranks, pranksters, youtube pranksters, dangerous pranks, deadly pranks, worst pranks, prank fails, fails, youtube fails, youtuber fails, Timothy Wilks prank, Bask pranks, TopNotch Idiots pranks, NELK Boys prank, Classified Goons prank, Internet, Tech, Digital Media, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 20 Most Successful Foreign Films
    Hooray for subtitles! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most successful and well-regarded non-English language films released outside the US.
    best foreign language films, foreign language movies, successful foreign films, guillermo del toro, pan's labyrinth, oldboy, life is beautiful, amelie, city of god, parasite, crouching tiger hidden dragon, y tu mama tambien, the lives of others, roma, cinema paradiso, the intouchables, fanny and alexander, downfall, 3 idiots, ip man, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
    Les abrutis ne font pas de discrimination lorsqu'il s'agit de destruction. Pour cette liste, nous nous pencherons sur quelques monuments qui rappellent que les créations humaines, aussi remarquables ou bien préservées soient-elles, ne sont jamais totalement à l'abri de la bêtise humaine.
    monuments ruinés par des imbéciles, monuments ruinés par des abrutis, monuments, crétins, idiots, débiles, pires, échecs, échecs de l'histoire, personnes les plus stupides, personnes stupides, humains, ruinés par les humains, détruire, destruction, rocher de plymouth, grotte de los escolares, rapa nui, île de pâque, stonehenge, tombe de jim morrison, monument national des pétroglyphes, grand sphinx de gizeh, histoire, watchmojo francais
  • TOP 10 des DÉCISIONS les plus STUPIDES dans HARRY POTTER !
    Ces décisions étaient plus stupides que Dudley ! Pour cette liste, nous allons passer en revue les choix les plus idiots, médiocres ou malheureux faits par les personnages, bons ou mauvais, dans la franchise "Harry Potter".
    Fantasy, Film, Films, meilleurs films, reliques de la mort, les décisions les plus stupides dans Harry Potter, coupe de feu, prince de sang-mêlé, Harry Potter, livres de Harry Potter, personnages de Harry Potter, décisions de Harry Potter, les plus stupides de Harry Potter, easter eggs de Harry Potter, fin de Harry Potter, faits de Harry Potter, films de Harry Potter, franchise Harry Potter, détails cachés de Harry Potter, watchmojo francais