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Found 13 search results for kim jong-il
  • Top 10 RIDICULOUS Lies North Korea Has Told the World
    There are some hilarious lies North Koreans are made to believe. Thanks to the North Korea propaganda machine, North Koreans believe that kim jong-il invented hamburgers, never pooped or peed and was the greatest at everything. Even more impressive, North Korea apparently has a wonder drug that makes people taller. WatchMojo counts down ten pieces of propaganda North Korea tries to pass off as fact.
    top 10, list, top 5, North Korea, North Korean propaganda, North Korea lies, hilarious lies North Korea has told the world, ridiculous lies North Koreans are made to believe, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Il-sung, elections, hamburgers, fashion, unicorns, North Korean prosperity, famine, poverty, AIDS, Pugang Pharmaceutical Company, Kumdang-2, shortness, child prodigy, child genius, biography, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, things north koreans believe about kim jong un, kim jong il lies, north korean myths about kim, north korea secrets and lies
  • Les 10 hommes les plus maléfiques de l'Histoire
    Si la violence vous dégoûte, cette vidéo risque d'être difficile à regarder. Pour cette liste, nous allons examiner les hommes les plus méchants de l'histoire.
    Education, Faits, Histoire, adolf hitler, les hommes les plus meurtriers de l'histoire, dictateurs, mal, dictateurs maléfiques, histoire du mal, leaders maléfiques, hommes maléfiques, hommes maléfiques dans l'histoire, joseph staline, kim jong-il, liste, histoire des hommes, mojo, les plus maléfiques, les hommes les plus maléfiques, les hommes les plus maléfiques dans l'histoire, pol pot, top 10, vlad l'empaleur, watch mojo, watchmojo francais
  • 20 Worst People Who Ever Lived
    These people earned their place on this list in the worst ways imaginable. For this list, we’ll be going over the most appalling people in history.
    worst humans ever, worst humans, worst people ever, worst people, worst, worst history, worst rulers, worst kings, worst dictators, worst presidents, worst military leaders, dictators, adolf hitler, pol pot, jim jones, vlad the impaler, joseph stalin, caligula, saddam hussein, genghis khan, kim jong-il, mao zedong, leopold ii, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • 10 Most EVIL Men in History
    If violence makes you squeamish, this video might be hard to watch. For this list, we’ll be looking at the wickedest men throughout recorded history.
    most evil men in history, most evil men, evil men in history, evil men, evil, evil history, men history, worst men in history, worst men, worst leaders in history, evil leaders, evil dictators, dictators, worst history, worst people, most evil, deadliest men in history, kim jong-il, vlad the impaler, adolf hitler, joseph stalin, pol pot, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Ridiculous Facts About North Korea
    The Democratic People's Public of Korea sure can be an interesting place. From fake towns, to unicorn lairs, to their own version of Godzilla, North Korea is the source of lots of strange trivia. WatchMojo counts down 10 insane facts about North Korea.
    history, geography, north korea, history of north korea, top ridiculous facts about north korea, top most crazy facts about north korea, crazy facts about north korea, rumors bout north korea, peace village, kim jong-il, kim jong-un, unicorns, unicorn, birthday, fake football, godzilla, accordions, blue jeans, illegal haircuts, dictatorship, ridiculous facts, crazy places, Top 10, list, top 5, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst
  • Top 10 Assassinations Ordered by the Government
    Some of the most shocking recent assassinations of political figures have been government-ordered murders. Whether it’s a Russian spy-turned-whistleblower Alexander Litvinenko, the assassination of North Korea’s Kim Jong-nam or drone strikes in Pakistan, these are some of the most famous successful political assassinations. WatchMojo counts down ten of the most alarming government-endorsed assassinations.
    top 10, list, top 5, government ordered assassinations, assassinations ordered by the government, government endorsed murders, assassinations, murders, deaths, Osama bin Laden, Operation Neptune Spear, 911, September 11 terrorist attacks, leon Trotsky, soviet union, USA, United States, America, drone strikes, operation condor, Joseph Stalin, communism, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-nam, Kim Jong-un, Russian spy, alexander litvinenko, operation wrath of god, operation anthropoid, munich massacre, georgi markov, chain murders of iran, Vladimir putin, KGB, Reinhard Heydrich, Nazis, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, recent assassinations, famous assassinations in history, famous assassinations in the 21st century, political assassination, famous assassinations caught on tape, assassinations that changed the world
  • Top 10 Everyday Activities That Are Illegal in North Korea
    Everyone knows about North Korea restrictions on citizens. But what is illegal in North Korea? Well, here are a few surprising facts you may not know about North Korea: if you like drinking alcohol, wearing blue jeans or watching television, you shouldn’t move to North Korea. WatchMojo counts down ten perfectly normal things that are banned in North Korea.
    top 10, list, top 5, North Korea, North Korean propaganda, North Korea lies, things banned in north korea, everyday activities that are banned in north korea, north korea illegal, breaking laws, north korea news, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Il-sung, internet, surfing the web, internet access, music, travel, tourism, TV, television, jeans, denim, religion, phone calls, driving, alcohol, pornography, porn, state mandated, dress code, government, execution, defectors, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, what is illegal in north korea, jeans banned in north korea, north korea banned pictures, north korea restrictions on citizens
  • Top 10 Weirdest Habits of World Leaders
    The weirdest habits of heads of state are scandalous, bizarre or just plain fascinating. Did you know Mikhail Gorbachev has a Grammy Award? The former Australian Prime Minister won a beer chugging contest? The President of Madagascar used to be a DJ? Former Canadian Prime Minster William Lyon Mackenzie King used to hold séances? Does that make them the craziest world leaders in history? You decide. WatchMojo counts down ten of the weirdest facts about famous leaders.
    top 10, list, top 5, scandalous, weird, bizarre, fascinating, Strange Facts About World Leaders You Probably Didn't Know, weirdest habits of heads of state, Abraham Lincoln, Saddam Hussein, Napoleon, Kim Jong-il, North korea, dictators, USA, United States of America, Mikhail Gorbachev, USSR, Soviet Union, Russia, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada, Muammar Gaddafi, Libya, Nicolae Ceausescu, bizarre historical facts, wrestling, romance novel, psychics, president of Madagascar, Australia, Bob Hawke, beer chugging, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, strange facts about American presidents, facts about famous leaders, craziest world leaders in history
  • 10 North Korea Facts - WMNews Ep. 5
    It’s a leftover of the Cold War living in modern times; will it be able to survive or will it collapse under the pressure? Welcome to and today we count down 10 crucial facts you should know about North Korea.
    North Korea, DPRK, Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il, Dennis Rodman, Asia, nuclear weapons, Jeffrey Fowle, Kenneth Bae, Matthew Todd Miller, President Obama, James Clapper, Hermit Kingdom, human rights, totalitarian, WMNews
  • Top 10 Ruthless Dictators
    They exacted complete control – often by force. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 most ruthless dictators. For this list, we’ve chosen some of the most notable and brutal dictators in history, and have ranked them based on the ruthlessness of their crimes.
    dictators, crimes, criminals, murder, Kim Jong-il, Francisco Franco, Mao Zedong, Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, WWII, WWI, Germany, Nazis, USSR, Uganda, Cambodia, Khmer Rouge, Libya
  • Biographie de Bill Clinton: De Gouverneur de l'Arkansas à la Présidence
    Il a été le premier président démocrate depuis Franklin Delano Roosevelt à se sécuriser un second tour. en apprend davantage sur la vie et les accomplissements de Bill Clinton.
    Bill Clinton, États-Unis, USA, président, démocrate, politiques, histoire, Arkansas, gouverneur, Hillary Clinton, Rhodes scholar, gouvernement, Michael Dukakis, Johnny Carson, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, Monica Lewinsky, accusation, Kim Jong-Il,
  • Year in Review: 2011
    2011 was a busy year, filled with worldwide protests, important milestones, significant deaths and inspirational comebacks. recaps the year that was: 2011.
    2011, news, politics, year in review, Steve Jobs, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, Kim Jong-Il, Amy Winehouse, 9/11, Gabrielle Giffords, Japan earthquake, Twilight, Harry Potter, Tim Tebow, Ronaldo, Ryan Gosling, Adele, Royal Wedding, Year in Review 2011
  • Biography of Bill Clinton: Arkansas Governor to the Presidency
    He was the first Democratic president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to secure a second term. learns more about the life and accomplishments of the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.
    Bill Clinton, United States, USA, president, Democrat, politics, history, Arkansas, governor, Hillary Clinton, Rhodes scholar, government, Michael Dukakis, Johnny Carson, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, Monica Lewinsky, impeachment, Kim Jong-Il, saxophone