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Found 17 search results for monuments ruinés par des abrutis
    Les abrutis ne font pas de discrimination lorsqu'il s'agit de destruction. Pour cette liste, nous nous pencherons sur quelques monuments qui rappellent que les créations humaines, aussi remarquables ou bien préservées soient-elles, ne sont jamais totalement à l'abri de la bêtise humaine.
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  • TOP 10 des MONUMENTS les plus CONTROVERSÉS du monde !
    Tous les monuments ne sont pas universellement appréciés. Pour cette liste, nous allons classer les statues ou monuments internationaux qui ont une histoire troublante ou qui ont suscité la controverse.
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  • Top 10 Controversial Monuments from Around the World
    Not all monuments are universally beloved. For this list, we’ll be ranking international statues or monuments that either have troubling backstories or have otherwise courted controversy.
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  • Top 10 Archaeological Sites And What They Used To Look Like
    You'll be shocked when you discover what these ancient sites used to look like. For this list, we’ll be looking all around the world at ancient ruins and monuments with the richest histories that have been vital points of archeological study.
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  • Top 10 Famous Monuments Ruined By Morons
    Idiots don't discriminate when it comes to destruction. For this list, we’ll be looking at some reminders that human creations, no matter how remarkable or well-preserved, are never completely safe from human stupidity.
    monuments ruined by morons, monuments ruined by idiots, monuments, morons, idiots, dumb, worst, fails, history fails, dumbest people, dumb people, humans, ruined by humans, destroy, destruction, plymouth rock, los escolares cave, rapa nui, blarney stone, stonehenge, jim morrison grave, petroglyph national monument, great sphinx of giza, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • The Most Impressive Ancient Ruins in the World
    Time to book a trip to see one or all of these iconic sights! For this list, we’re looking at the world’s foremost ancient cities and monuments that you can visit.
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  • Top 5 Facts: Stonehenge
    A list of the top 5 facts about Stonehenge, one of Britain's oldest and best known historical monuments
    Stonehenge, Getty Images, Getty, Stone henge, British history, Rock formations, Ancient history, Historic monuments, British tourist, British tourism, UK tourist sites, Where to go in Britain, Best tourist sites in Britain, British vacation, British holiday, Staycation UK, Stone circle, ancient, prehistoric history, bronze age, iron age, stone age, British landmarks, how old is stonehenge, how was stonehenge made, how was stonehenge built, things like stonehenge, London, London tourism, English countryside,
  • Top 30 Historical Objects RUINED by Morons
    From ancient artifacts to priceless historical sites, humanity has a remarkable talent for destroying irreplaceable pieces of history. Join us as we explore the most shocking and heartbreaking examples of historical objects ruined by human stupidity, carelessness, and pure ignorance.
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  • Top 20 Failed Oscar Bait Movies of All Time
    Hollywood's most ambitious films that aimed for Oscar glory but crashed and burned. Join us as we count down the most cringe-worthy attempts at award-winning cinema that missed the mark completely!
    Oscar bait, failed movies, worst films, Hollywood, movie awards, cinema, film criticism, The Goldfinch, Cats, Anthropoid, The Greatest Showman, Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk, The Monuments Men, Dear Evan Hansen, Emancipation, Empire of Light, Amelia, Radio, Men of Honor, Diana, Alexander, Music, Collateral Beauty, Amsterdam, Welcome to Marwen, The Son, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • 10 Real-Life Places Assassin's Creed RECREATED
    Oh the places you’ll go! No matter your opnion of Assassin’s Creed, there’s no denying their attention to detail when it comes to the locations Ubisoft sets out to recreate. For this list we’ll be looking at locations and monuments that are sadly no longer with us that Ubisoft painstakingly recreated in their Assassin’s Creed games.
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  • Top 10 Biggest Statues in the World
    Now THAT'S a big statue! For this list, we’ll be looking at the largest sculptural works of art located around the world.
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  • What If Ancient Aliens Built The Pyramids? | Unveiled
    Did aliens build the pyramids? According to some theories, the ancient Egyptian monuments actually have extraterrestrial origins... History tells us that these magnificent structures are definitely, 100% man-made, but how would life on Earth be different if we had proof that they weren't? What would happen if the Great pyramids really were built by aliens?
    Unveiled, What If, History, Egypt, Ancient Egypt, Egyptology, Pyramids, The Pyramids, Ancient Aliens, Aliens, Science Fiction, Sci-Fi,
  • Top 10 Strangest Tourist Attractions Around the World
    Top 10 Strangest Tourist Attractions Around the World A bit tired of monuments, museums, and waterfalls? Well, get ready. Welcome to MojoTravels, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 strangest tourist attractions around the world. For this list, we're looking at improbable sites and activities that draw in travelers.
    Top 10 Strangest Tourist Attractions Around the World, the ten weirdest tourist destinations, the absolute oddest attractions and destinations worldwide that draw in the tourists, if you want something new and different to check out on your travels, here are the top 10 weirdest and most bizarre tourist attractions from across the globe, the top ten strangest places and events you need to visit
  • Top 10 Places and Landmarks Destroyed by Nature
    Humans build . . . Mother Nature laughs. From the Azure Window, to Helike, Greece, to Petra, Jordan, these incredible feats of human creation were no match for the fury of nature. WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Places and Landmarks Destroyed by Nature.
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  • Top 10 Badly Executed Movies That Had Potential
    Ever been psyched for the next big film only to fall asleep halfway through? Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Badly Executed Movies That Had Potential.
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