Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at the 10 weirdest npcs in “The Legend of Zelda.” For this video, we’ll be exploring the oddest, most eccentric characters Link has met on his journeys throughout Hyrule and beyond.
Zelda NPCs, weirdest zelda NPCs, NPC, NPCs, Weird NPCs, best NPCs, strange NPS, video Game NPCs, breath of the wild, ocarina of time, majora's mask, wind waker, twilight princess, zelda, the elgend of zelda, zelda games, nintendo, switch, n64, nintendo 64, zelda oot, oot NPCs, Majora's Mask NPCs, Breath of the Wild NPCs, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo