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Found 2 search results for obesity diabetes
  • Top 5 Sweet and Scary Sugar Facts
    The most interesting and surprising facts about sweetener par excellence, sugar.
    Top 5, Top 5 Facts, WMFacts, Facts, Sugar, Health, The Simpsons, Sugarcoated, science, diet, dieting, propaganda, lobbies, lobbying, Spencer Sher, The Rolling Stones, brown sugar, conspiracies, obesity, diabetes, WatchMojo, Sugar Coated
  • How To Reverse Diabetes
    Type-2 diabetes has been on the rise for the last 25 years, mainly due to poor dietary choices. speaks with Rick Gallop, creator of the G.I. Diet, to learn about this popular lifestyle.
    health, diets, obesity diabetes, GI diet, glycemic index, Rick Gallop, foods, eating, weight loss, calories, lifestyle change, exercises, medication, glucose, sugar, protein, fiber, Atkins diet, South Beach diet
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