Doug Bradley is only one of a few actors to have portrayed the same horror villain at least six times. chats with Bradley at Comiccon about the character of Pinhead from Clive Barker's "Hellraiser" series, and about rumors of a remake.
This brutal video will have you hooked in no time. For this list, we’ll be looking at the times our favorite Cenobite really showed humans the meaning of pain.
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"Hellraiser" is a prominent Horror franchise, so it's naturally been parodied quite a lot. For this list, we’re looking at the funniest and most notable send-ups of Pinhead and the gang in various movies and TV shows.
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We're diving deep into the origins of this horrifying movie villain. For this video, we’re going over the iconic Cenobite’s horror history from page to screen, including the backstory and terrifying characterization.
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Monsters have been a staple of horror movies almost since the very first horror films, so we thought we'd rank the scariest of them all! WatchMojo presents our second list the Top 10 Scariest Movie Monsters of all time! But which will take the top spot on our list? Will it be Pinhead from 'Hellraiser', the Ghouls from 'The Pack', or Jaws the shark from 'Jaws'? Watch to find out!
Top 10, List, Movies, Film, Horror, Scary, Monster, Pinhead, Hellraiser, Jaws, The Pack, Cloverfield, Jeepers Creepers, Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer, Krampus, Night of the Demon, Society, Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Dementors, ghouls, creeper, dementors, demons, christmas, jack in the box, shark, mini monsters, crawlers, WatchMojo
Who needs CGI? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most effective instances where an actor was made-up to embody horror characters.
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Il y a tellement de films inutiles dans le monde ! Bienvenue sur WatchMojo Français, et aujourd'hui nous faisons le point sur les films d'horreur qui étaient si terribles que leurs créateurs ont abandonné toutes les suites futures ou ont dû faire un énorme changement pour les prochains volets. Alerte au spoiler pour toutes les intrigues mal conçues que nous allons révéler.
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There are so many unnecessary movies out there! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for horror movies that were so terrible, their creators scrapped all future sequels or had to make a huge shift for future installments. Spoiler alert for all the ill-conceived plot points we’re gonna reveal.
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¡No para los débiles de corazón! Para esta lista, veremos las muertes más espeluznantes en la historia del terror en función de su nivel de miedo, su legado y la influencia que tuvieron en el género.
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Not for the faint of heart! For this list, we’ll be looking at the creepiest deaths in horror history based on their level of fear, their legacy, and the influence they had on the genre. Obviously, scary spoilers ahead.
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"Robot Chicken" has parodied a lot of things, including Horror movies! For this list, we’ll be looking at sketches where “Robot Chicken” parodied or referenced films from the horror genre.
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They may haunt your nightmares, but man, their wardrobes are kick ass. For this list, we’re looking at the most popular, culturally-significant and often imitated costumes worn by horror movie villains. Let us know in the comments!
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Las grandes películas necesitan grandes héroes, pero más que eso, necesitan grandes villanos con grandes historias de fondo, ¡a veces incluso merecen sus películas propias! ¡WatchMojo Español presenta el Top 10 de villanos que podrían tener películas geniales sobre sus orígenes! Pero, ¿quién ocupará el primer lugar en nuestra lista? ¿Será el Emperador Palpatine de Star Wars, Thanos del Marvel Cinematic Universe o Lord Voldemort de Harry Potter? ¡Mira para averiguarlo!
Sugiere tus ideas:
#Villanos #Cine #Películas
Top 10, Top diez, las mejores, las peores, películas, Villanos, Superhéroe, Comics, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel Cinematic Universe, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Transformers, Pennywise, It, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Hellraiser, lord voldemort, thanos, iron man, infinity war, freddy krueger, ra's al ghul, megatron, optimus prime, dancing clown, sauron, eye, pinhead, WatchMojo espanol, watchmojo español,
"ES" war ein Kultfilm der ersten Stunde, und ist es noch immer. Mit der Neuauflage kamen jedoch einige Veränderungen, die dem Erfolg des Klassikers keinen Abbruch tun. Heute zeigen wir euch die TOP 10 Unterschiede der 1990 und 2017 Verfilmung. Was sagt ihr dazu?
Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, clover, cloverfield, es, clown, freddy krueger, nightmare on elm street, mörderische träume, xenomorph, alien, predator, das ding, das ding aus einer anderen welt, ring, samara, graboide, hororfilme, horror, filme, unterhaltung, der blob, der wolfsmensch, hellraiser, zenobitenführer, pinhead, jason, freitag der 13, monster, gegner, leben, tod, cineast