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Found 166 search results for planets in video games
  • Top 10 Coolest Fictional Video Game Planets
    These places are out of this world...literally. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Video Game Planets!
    Top 10, Top Fine, List, Rank, Planet, Fictional, Video Game, Gears of war, Sera, Taris, Star Wars, KOTOR, Knights of the old Republic, Kerwan, Ratchet & Clank, Pop Star, Kirby, Requiem, Halo, Tuchanka, Mass Effect, Zebes, Metroid, Mira, Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandora, Borderlands, Gaia, Final Fantasy, Coolest planets, planets in video games, best video game planets, planets from games, outer space, fictional video game planets,
  • Top 10 Planets in the Star Wars Universe
    The Star Wars Universe expands from films to comics to books and video games in which the characters visit a huge amount of planets, and today we're ranking them based on their appearance in Movies and other media. WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Planets from the Star Wars Universe. But which will take the top spot? Luke and Anakin Skywalker's home planet of Tattooine, the frozen Hoth, or the massive metropolis of Coruscant? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Top 5, Star Wars, Planets, Universe, Jedi, Episode, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Anakin, Luke, Skywalker, Tatooine, Desert Planet, Binary Sunset, Coru
  • Planets Collide - Without Looking (Lyric Video)
    "Without Looking" from the Waves Ep by Planets Collide
    SoundMojo,best dream pop songs ever,canadian dream pop artist,dream pop artist,dream pop artists 2021,dream pop music,dream pop vocals,dream pop with vocals,dreampop songs,electronic dream pop artist,indie dream pop type beat,new dream pop artist,new dream pop artists,new synth pop artists,planets collide,synth pop artists,synth pop songs 2021,synth pop with vocals,synthpop songs,vocal dream pop,vocal synth pop,Planets Collide Without Looking
  • Planets Collide - Caelum (Lyric Video)
    "Caelum" from the Waves Ep by Planets Collide
    SoundMojo,WatchMojo,dreampop songs,synthpop songs,synth pop songs 2021,new dream pop artist,electronic dream pop artist,dream pop artists 2021,canadian dream pop artist,dream pop vocals,planets collide,dream pop artist,Planets Collide Caelum,dream pop music,new dream pop artists,new synth pop artists,synth pop artists,best dream pop songs ever,dream pop with vocals,synth pop with vocals,vocal synth pop,vocal dream pop,Planets Collide Secrets Keep Moving
  • 11 Strangest Alien Planets | Unveiled
    In this video, Unveiled travels to 11 of the weirdest alien planets that humanity has ever discovered. Including the oldest, youngest, hottest, coldest, darkest and fastest planets in all of space!
    Unveiled, Space, Science, Solar System, Universe, Galaxy, Planets, Alien Planets, Kepler, Habitable, Weird, Strange, Documentary, Documentaries,
  • How The Planets Got Their Names | Unveiled
    We know the solar system has 8 planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. But how did these worlds get their names? In this video, Unveiled uncovers exactly why the solar system is labelled like it is... And it's a journey which takes us all the way back to Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and even further into history!
    Unveiled, Space, Science, Solar System, Universe, Planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome,
  • Surprising Ways Humans Could Survive On Other Planets | Unveiled
    Sooner or later, humanity is determined to visit other planets... But how can we hope to survive away from Earth? In this video, Unveiled uncovers the most surprising and unexpected ways that we could build a home on the likes of Mars, Venus or anywhere else in the universe! From lava tubes to hanging cities, these ideas are amazing, incredible and almost unbelievable... but they might just work!
    Unveiled, Surprising Ways,Space, Solar System, Documentary, Education, Interesting, Space Travel, Terraform, Terraforming, Mars, Venus, Planet, Planets,
  • What If the Solar System Started Losing Planets? | Unveiled
    What if planets disappeared from the sky?? Join us... and find out more!
    Unveiled, What If, What If the Solar System Started Losing Planets, Losing Planets, Rogue Planet, Dwarf Planet, Planet Facts, Planets Documentary, Gas Giants, Planet V, Planet X, Planet 5, Planet 9, Planet Formation, Solar System History, Ancient Planets, Space, Science, Solar System, Planets, Solar System Planets, Space Documentary,
  • 4 Unexplained Craters On Solar System Planets | Unveiled
    4 Mysteries on the surface of solar system planets! Join us... and find out more!
    Unveiled, Solar System Planets, Planets, Unexplained, Unexplained Science, Unexplained Space, Documentary, Space Documentary, History of the Solar System, Space, Solar System, Science, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Mars Unexplained, Venus Unexplained, Mercury Unexplained, Surface Craters,
  • How Many Planets Are There In Space?
    There are eight planets in our galaxy! But what about planets beyond the Milky Way? On this episode of Ask Anything, Noah answers an intergalactic question: How many planets exist in our universe? Want more Ask Anything on JrMojo? Give us a like and subscribe today! Is there anything else you've always wanted to know? Ask Noah and JrMojo by email at #scienceforkids #education #planets
    Ask Anything, science for kids, how many planets are there in space, Junior Mojo
  • Top 5 Most Mysterious Planets - List & Learn
    Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of outer space? Watch this top 5 list all about mysterious planets you may not have heard about before!
    planets, space, outer space, mysteries, listicle, top 5, science for kids, space, learn about space, solar system, facts about space for kids, space facts for kids, space for children, juniormojo, jr.mojo, jrmojo, Junior Mojo, ListNlearn, list and learn
  • Top 10 Most Mysterious Planets (That We Know About)
    The most mysterious planets in the known universe are all pretty strange planets: from planet Methuselah, one of the oldest known exoplanets in the universe, to the Hell planet that reaches up to 4700 degrees Fahrenheit on one side and hundreds of degrees below 0 on the other, or TrES-2b which is the darkest planet in existence, these are the weirdest planets in space. WatchMojo counts down ten of the most mysterious planets we know about.
    top 10, list, top 5, Strangest Planets in the Known Universe, strangest planets in space, Weirdest Planets to Have Been Discovered So Far, mysterious planets, planets, exoplanets, space, solar system, galaxy, universe, known universe, constellations, light years, 55 Cancri e, COROT-7b, Gliese 436 b, Kepler-438b, HD 209458 b, PSR B1620-26 b, J1407b, Gliese 581 c, TrES-2b, HD 106906 b, diamond planet, second earth, ice planet, hell planet, Gallifrey, Doctor Who, Kepler-1b, Methuselah planet, super Saturn, Osiris, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, weirdest planets ever discovered, planet methuselah, weird planet names, strangest planets in the universe
  • How Long Would It Take To Travel The Universe? | Unveiled
    In this video, Unveiled takes an incredible journey through all the stars, planets and galaxies in the universe... Join us!
    Unveiled, Space, Science, Universe, Space Travel, Stars, Planets, Documentary, Documentaries, Galaxy, Galaxies, Speed of Light, FTL, Cosmology,
  • Should Pluto Still Be a Planet? | Unveiled
    Up until 2006, Pluto was the ninth planet in the solar system... But then the IAU reclassified it and, today, Pluto only counts as a dwarf planet... In this video, Unveiled asks whether Pluto's demotion was fair? Whether other solar system objects (like Eris and Ceres) should count as planets, too? And whether Pluto could ever regain its planet status?
    Unveiled, Space, Solar System, Pluto, IAU, International Astronomical Union, Planets, Dwarf Planets, Kuiper Belt,
  • What If Humans Built a Planet?| Unveiled
    Humans hope to one day live on other planets. But for places like Mars and Venus, we need to terraform them to become like Earth... So, why don't we just build a brand new planet from scratch? In this video, Unveiled finds out whether building a planet is possible? And exactly what would happen if the human race ever did manage to build its own world in space...?
    Unveiled, What If, Space, Science, Documentary, Documentaries, Planet, Planets, Death Star, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Star Wars,
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