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Found 16 search results for pompeii
  • Top 5 pompeii Facts
    The Mount Vesuvius eruption of 79 AD is one of the most famous natural disasters of European history, killing thousands of people and completely decimating several Roman settlements, including pompeii.
    facts, top 5, pompeii, rome, romans, volcanoes, eruptions, little boy, body casts, giuseppe fiorelli, garbage disposal, italy vesuvius, sexual obsession, sexual affinity, watchmojo, chris masson,
  • Top 10 Worst Disaster Movies
    Disasters summarizes these movies perfectly, as they portray epic amounts of destruction and are incredibly bad films! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Worst Disaster Movies of All Time! But what will take the top spot on our list? Poseidon, Metor, or pompeii? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, list, Movies, Film, Disaster, poseidon, meteor, pompeii, the happening, the core, volcano, left behind, 2012, the day after tomorrow, san andreas, bad, awful, dwayne johnson, ship, end of the world, michael bay, bruce willis, ben affleck, unwatchable, so bad it's good, terrible, WatchMojo
  • Top 30 Scariest Natural Disaster Movies
    Mother Nature's fury unleashed on the big screen! Join us as we count down the most terrifying films where natural disasters take center stage. From devastating twisters and volcanic eruptions to deadly tsunamis and asteroid impacts, these movies show nature at its most destructive. Which catastrophic cinematic experience left you with nightmares?
    natural disaster movies, disaster films, scariest disaster movies, twister, the wave, the birds, the day after tomorrow, poseidon adventure, deep impact, 2012, san andreas, dante's peak, the core, volcano, the impossible, earthquake, crawl, everest, sunshine, armageddon, pompeii, twisters, underwater, survival films, apocalyptic movies, tsunami movies, tornado movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best action movies, best movies
  • 10 Disasters That Changed the Course of History
    From ancient eruptions to modern nuclear meltdowns, these catastrophes forever altered human history. Join us as we explore devastating events that shaped our world in unexpected ways. From engineering failures to natural calamities, these disasters taught humanity painful but necessary lessons that changed how we build, travel, and respond to future threats.
    Black Death, Chernobyl disaster, Irish Famine, Fukushima nuclear disaster, Pompeii eruption, Dust Bowl, Great Fire of London, Titanic sinking, San Francisco earthquake, Challenger explosion, historical disasters, natural catastrophes, human history, plague pandemic, nuclear accidents, environmental catastrophes, volcanic eruptions, famine, engineering failures, safety regulations, historical impact, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries That Changed the World
    These famous discoveries were game-changers. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most momentous archaeological discoveries that completely reshaped our understanding of human history.
    archaeological discoveries that changed the world, archaeological discoveries, discoveries, archaeological, archaeology, archaeologist, discoveries that changed the world, world changing archaeological discoveries, world changing discoveries, discovery, dead sea scrolls, Tutankhamun's Tomb, angkor wat, Pompeii, Rosetta Stone, Machu Picchu, Cave of Altamira, Easter Island Moai, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 30 Greatest Archaeological Discoveries Ever
    Call Indiana Jones: these discoveries belong in a museum. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the greatest archaeological finds in modern human history. .
    greatest archaeological discoveries ever, greatest archaeological discoveries, greatest discoveries ever, greatest discoveries, archaeological discoveries, archaeological, archaeological discovery, historical discoveries, discovery, discoveries, historical, ancient, ancient history, The Terracotta Army, The Library of Ashurbanipal, pompeii, archaeology, lucy, Rosetta Stone, otzi, troy, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 20 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever
    We learnt much about our ancestors from these shocking discoveries. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most amazing and important archaeological discoveries throughout human history.
    greatest archeological discoveries, greatest discoveries, discoveries, historical discoveries, archeological discoveries, archeological, archeology, science, shocking discoveries, amazing discoveries, rosetta stone, pompeii, otzi, lucy, dead sea scrolls, tutankhamun's tomb, library of ashurbanipal, cave of altamira, terracotta army, History, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • The Most Impressive Ancient Ruins in the World
    Time to book a trip to see one or all of these iconic sights! For this list, we’re looking at the world’s foremost ancient cities and monuments that you can visit.
    impressive ancient ruins, ancient ruins, ancient, ruins, ancient monuments, ancients sights, world wonders, ancient cities, cities, countries, world, world travel, europe, asia, south america, north america, africa, great pyramids of giza, great wall of china, tikal, roman colosseum, easter island, petra, acropolis, pompeii, chichen itza, Travel, Food, Tourism, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • TOP 10 des plus grandes DÉCOUVERTES ARCHÉOLOGIQUES de tous les temps !
    Ces découvertes étonanntes ont donné à l'humanité un rare aperçu de son propre passé. Pour cette liste, nous examinons les découvertes les plus incroyables que les archéologues aient jamais faites.
    Éducation, Faits, Histoire, ancien, histoire ancienne, machine d'antikythera, découvertes archéologiques, trouvailles archéologiques, archéologie, art rupestre, manuscrits de la mer morte, découvertes historiques, trouvailles historiques, knossos, lascaux, bibliothèque d'ashurbanipal, liste, carte de madaba, otzi, pompeii, pyramides, tombe de richard III, pierre de rosette, ruines, sutton hoo, armée de terre cuite, top 10, troie, tombeau de tutankhamon, watchmojo francais
  • Top 10 Real-Life Discoveries of Lost Cities
    These ancient places lay undisturbed for centuries! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most interesting cities, towns, settlements and historical sites that were only discovered long after their time.
    discoveries of lost cities, lost cities, discovery of ancient cities, ancient cities, discovery of lost places, historical discoveries, most important historical discoveries, most important discoveries, ancient history, mohenjo-daro, troy, pompeii, akrotiri, knossos, heracleion, leptis magna, helike, l’anse aux meadows, genghis khan fortress, genghis khan, catalhöyük, History, Education, Facts
  • Top 10 Greatest Archaeological Discoveries Ever
    These shocking finds gave humanity a rare glimpse into the past. For this list, we’re looking at the most incredible discoveries archaeologists have ever made.
    archaeological discoveries, historical discoveries, archaeological finds, historical finds, ancient history, archaeology, ancient, ruins, cave art, pyramids, tutankhamun's tomb, antikythera mechanism, troy, pompeii, lascaux, sutton hoo, terracotta army, dead sea scrolls, rosetta stone, otzi the iceman, library of ashurbanipal, richard III’s grave, knossos, madaba map, History, Education, Facts
  • Top 10 Most Historically Inaccurate Costumes in Movies
    The most historically inaccurate costumes in the movies would make the Flintstones laugh. For this list, we’re looking at incorrect designs and anachronisms, rather than production errors in films.
    Most Historically Inaccurate Costumes in Movies, Historically Inaccurate Movie Costumes, Inaccurate Movie Costumes, Historically Inaccurate Costume Design, Historically Inaccurate Fashion Design in Movies, Movie Costumes, Historically Inaccurate Movies, Historically Accurate Costumes in Movies, Wardrobe Mistakes in Movies, Historically Wrong Costumes, Braveheart, The Last Samurai, Pompeii, Amadeus, Fashion, History, Film, Movies, Costumes, WatchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, MsMojo, Caitlin Johnson
  • Top 10 Craziest Apocalypse Scenarios
    The end of the world never seemed so awesome! For this list, we’re looking at some of the most intense and terrifying ways in which the apocalypse could play out. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Wildest Apocalypse Scenarios.
    Apocalypse, Extinction event, armageddon, end of the world, day after tomorrow, volcano, vesuvius, pompeii, cosmic collision, impact, asteroid, dinosaurs, atlantis, mayan calendar, solar flare, storm, magnetic field, black hole, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robot revolution, laws of robotics, aliens, spaceships, zombies, simulation, Sci Fi, Science, Education, Documentary, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
  • P 10 der Tiefsee-Mysterien
    Wenn man am Strand liegt und zum Schnorcheln ins türkisblaue Meer geht kann man leicht vergessen, dass es ziemlich weit runter geht und sich da womöglich Lebewesen und Orte verstecken die wir noch nie gesehen haben. Die TOP 10 der Tiefsee-Mysterien (zumindest die, von denen wir schon wissen), findet ihr in unserer heutigen Liste. Viel Spaß beim nächsten Schnorcheltrip ;)
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, mysterien, atlantis, expedition unknown, colossal squid, megalodon, golf von mexiko, unerklärliche phänomene, schiffe, schiffswrack, 20.000 meilen unter dem meer, 300, discovery channel, koloss kalmar, kampf der titanen, leptocephalus giganteus, ägäische meeresruinen, pompeii, kubanische unterwasserwelt, meeresleuchten, schiffbruch mit tiger
  • Top 5 Facts About Volcanoes
    Volcanoes. They're terrifying, deadly, and will stop at nothing to destroy you, your town, and everyone you love, according to various disaster movies from the 90s. Welcome to Watchmojo's top five facts.
    facts, top 5, volcanoes, volcanic explosions, jupiter, io, active volcanoes, hawaii, pompeii, paricutin, yellowstone caldera, dormant, watchmojo, chris masson,