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Found 3 search results for profitability
  • Uber, WeWork, Peloton Challenges: Do Profits Matter?
    Watch our first documentary here: In this episode of Context is King, Ashkan Karbasfrooshan explains how profitability impacts companies going on the public market. Despite Peloton CEO's previous claim that the exercise equipment company was "weirdly profitable", their financial reports required for their IPO filing reveals years of losses. Newcomers like Uber and WeWork face similar challenges while operating at a loss, and might ultimately be money losing ventures for potential investors. Watch for more! Let us know in the comments what ideas/topics you'd like us to discuss next: #uber #wework #peloton
    ContextTV, Context is King, Uber, WeWork, Peloton
  • The 10 Most Successful & Oldest American Companies of all Time
    Top 10 Oldest Successful American Companies What oldest and most profitable American companies can you think of? Some experienced companies include IBM and Macy’s, but what is number one on our list? Watch this video to find out! 10. IBM 9. The McKesson Corporation 8. Colgate-Palmolive 7. Baker’s Chocolate 6. Citigroup 5. DuPont 4. Macy’s 3,2,1??? #americancompanies #success #company
    most successful american companies, oldest american companies, most successful, oldest, american companies, companies, bank of New York mellon, McKesson, IBM, Citigroup, Marketing, JP Morgan Chase, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Dupont, Jim Beam, Business Marketing, Macy’s, Successful businesses, businesses, business, Colgate, secrets to success, Top companies, america, US, USA, the mckesson coorporation, profitable business, profitability, top 10, list, Context tv, watchmojo, watch mojo
  • Ray Anderson: profitability of Green Business
    We speak with America's Greenest former CEO, Ray Anderson, to learn that an environmentally-friendly company is not a broke company.
    Ray Anderson Interface, carpet manufacturer, environment, green business, commerce, Confessions of a Radical Industrialist, industry, waste, sustainability, corporation, Mount Sustainability
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