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Found 71 search results for random facts around the world
  • Top 10 RPG Cliches
    Whether it’s constant random battles, spiky-haired protagonists, or hunting for crystals that hold the fate of the world, we’ve come to expect certain things from our favourite role-playing games… and sometimes, dread them. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 RPG Cliches.
    Top 10, JRPGS, Western, Fallout, Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls, Bravely Default, Xenoblade Chronicles, Paper Mario, Baulders Gate, Cliches, Random Battles, Macguffins,
  • Top 10 Random Acts of Kindness Caught on Video
    Kindness immortalized on camera. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most heartwarming, inspirational and unexpected gestures people have done for others, that are now forever immortalized on tape.
    random acts of kindess caught on video, random acts of kindess, acts of kindess on camera, acts of kindness, kindess on camera, copy cuys boots for barefoot man, elderly man rescuers stranded drivers, jeweler gifts struggling mom money, teenager returns woman's lost purse, two men pay for strangers' groceries, Pop Culture, Documentary, Education, Science, People, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
  • Top 10 Most Unexpected Dance Scenes in Classic Hollywood Movies
    Classic Hollywood presents, RANDOM DANCING! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at classic Hollywood dance numbers that came out of nowhere.
    unexpected dance scenes in classic hollywood movies, unexpected dance scenes, random dance scenes, sweet charity, small town girl, it's always fair weather, gentlemen prefer blondes, funny face, anchors aweigh, footlight parade, royal wedding, singin' in the rain, stormy weather, unexpected, dance, scenes, classic, hollywood, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, Film, Movies, Musical, best movies, msmojo
  • Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Made by Accident
    Occasionally science is completely random. For this list, we’ll be looking at the top scientific discoveries made during unrelated experiments, or completely by accident.
    accidental scientific discoveries, accidental discoveries, accidental science, scientific discoveries, discoveries, scientific, most important scientific discoveries, random discoveries, science accidents, best scientific discoveries, important discoveries, anesthesia, x-rays, teflon, gunpowder, microwaves, penicillin, viagra, smart dust, natural radioactivity, Sci Fi, Science, Education, Documentary
  • Top 10 Unexpected Fandoms
    Stranger than fanfiction. For this list, we’re taking a look at random, surprising fandoms with passionate followings. WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Unexpected Fandoms.
    weird fandoms, weirdest fandoms, most random fandoms, most weird fandoms, strangest fandoms, strange fandom, weirdest fanfictions, weird fan fictions, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, top 5, list, best, worst
  • Top 10 Random Celebrity Encounters
    Sometimes, opportunities to rub elbows with the rich and famous come up in the oddest places. From running into John Mayer at Costco, to spotting Jim Carrey at Burger King, celebrity encounters can happen anywhere! WatchMojo is counting down the top 10 stories of fans meeting celebrities in unexpected places.
    celebrity, random celebrity encounters, fans meeting celebrities, celebrity meetings, celebrities in public, celebrity run ins, fan encounters, celebrity meetings, funny celebrity meetings, funny stories about meeting celebs, meeting famous people, celebrity stories, people who met famous people, Nicolas cage, Janice Dickinson, ryan gosling, keith urban, andre 3000, john mayer, jim carrey, rihanna, Fabio, tom hanks, watchmojo, top 10, list
  • Top 5 Incredible Classical Music Facts
    The classical music canon may contain some of the greatest artistic achievements in human history. Or maybe it’s just a bunch pretentious junk for the top-hat-and-monocle crowd. Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts, the series where we reveal– you guessed it– five random facts about a fascinating topic. In today’s instalment counting down the five most fascinating facts from the world of classical music.
    wmfacts, top 5, top 5 facts, facts, cool, bizarre, weird, crazy, interesting, mozart, vivaldi, schubert, beethoven, anton bruckner, erik satie, classical, composers, music, orchestra, amadeus, immortal beloved, sideways, WatchMojo
  • Top 5 Weird Online Dating Facts
    Over 50 million people use Tinder every month, and collectively swipe about a billion times per day. And that’s just a small piece of the e-dating world. Welcome to WatchMojo’s Top 5 Facts, the series where we reveal– you guessed it– five random facts about a fascinating topic. Today we’re counting down five weird things you probably didn’t know about online dating.
    Online dating, romance, sea captain date, taboo, prison love, facts, top 4 facts, Orange is the New Black, Clown dating, eHarmony, Second Life, When Strangers Click, Love Prison
  • Top 5 Facts About Eating Bugs
    Most cultures in the world are all for entomophagy, or insect eating. And the rest of us, well, we should probably get used to it. Welcome to WatchMojo’s Top 5 Facts, the series where we reveal five random facts about a fascinating topic. For this instalment, we’re counting down 5 of the most essential things you probably didn’t know about edible insects.
    Facts, Top 5 Facts, Top 5, Facts about eating insects, eating bugs, edible insects, black soldier fly larvae, crickets, The Lion King, slimy yet satisfying, Bear Grylls, Man vs Wild, entomophagy
  • Top 5 Strange Laws in the World You Won't BELIEVE
    There are some crazy laws, meaning there are several weird things you could get arrested for around the world. One weird law in Flint, Michigan means you can be prosecuted under the law for wearing saggy pants. Another crazy law: there’s one country in the world that will decapitate you if you masturbate in public. But there are even more dumb laws! WatchMojo counts down five ridiculous laws in the world that still exist.
    top 10, list, top 5, world laws, weirdest laws of the world, dumb laws, stupid laws, weird laws, strange laws in the world, laws, arrest, jail, prison, funny laws, history, crime, criminals, illegal, drinking and driving, guns, sex, masturbation, Napoleon Bonaparte, animals, pigs, USA, United States, Indonesia, France, El Salvador, Flint Michigan, Wisconsin, San Salvador, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, top 10 weirdest laws in the world, random facts around the world, craziest laws in the world
  • The 10 Strangest Superstitions in Video Game History
    Whether it was gossip on the playground or someone’s uncle who DEFINITELY worked for Nintendo, there’s a lot of things about the video games we loved for absolutely no reason. For this list we’ll be examining the origins of some of the most widely believed rumors and superstitions that in hindsight made no sense whatsoever.
    Video Games, People, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, top 10, countdown, mojoplays, rpg, world of warcraft, mario party, nintendo, pc, city of heroes, pokemon, rng, random number generator, strangest, superstitions, pokeball, dead by daylight, gandhi, civilization 2, v, webkinz, ultima online, fishing, dungeons and dragons, diplomacy, the madden curse, mma, rhonda, rousey, luck, stats, behaviour interactive
  • Top 50 Things Life Hacks You Didn't Know
    Time to rethink ... everything! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at life hacks you'll wish you'd known all along!
    things you didn't know, things you're doing wrong, life hacks, hacks, simple life hacks, everyday life hacks, tricks, tip, facts, fact, info, information, amazing facts, fun facts, interesting facts, random facts, things you didn't know about, learn, cooking tricks, cooking, wine stains, stains, learning, travel hacks, life tips, tips and tricks, Documentary, Education, Science, People, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 100 Useless Disney Facts You Don't Need to Know
    100 years of Disney has given us 100 useless facts. For this list, we’ll be looking at 101 random facts relating to Disney.
    useless disney facts you don't need to know, usless disney facts, fun disney facts, disney trivia, disney facts, pixar facts, beauty and the beast, the little mermaid, toy story, monsters inc, walt disney, cinderella, moana, mulan, the princess and the frog, the lion king, disney, pixar, useless facts, facts, Animated, Cartoon, Movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies, msmojo
  • Top 10 Disney Channel Shows That Were Cancelled Too Soon
    Disney Channel shows got cancelled way too soon.
    disney channel shows that were cancelled too soon, disney channel shows that got cancelled, cancelled disney channel shows, disney channel, cancelled disney shows, girl meets world, i didn't do it, phil of the future, wander over yonder, best friends whenever, stuck in the middle, even stevens, american dragon jake long, cory in the house, so random, disney, disney+, TV, Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
  • What The List? - Ep. 6 - Did These Characters Give You Nightmares?
    Welcome to the WatchMojo trivia game show What the List?, where you can get every answer right and still lose! We at WatchMojo are taking the random trivia facts we've learned over the years and putting them to good use by quizzing ourselves and YOU about some of your favorite categories. Each category is represented by a mystery WatchMojo Top 10 List. If a contestant starts to see a connection between all the entries in a certain category, they can try to guess what the list topic is - but get it wrong, and there are consequences! In this episode, Rebecca hosts Stephanie and Adam in a head-to-head battle for trivia supremacy. Tune in to see if your fave came out victorious!
    what the list?, what the list, wtl, watchmojo trivia game show, watchmojo trivia gameshow, watchmojo game show, watchmojo gameshow, watchmojo trivia, trivia, trivia show, pop culture trivia, movie trivia, pop culture gameshow, pop culture quiz, movie quiz, quiz show, watchmojo quiz, pop culture, watchmojo lady, rebecca watchmojo, phoebe watchmojo, watchmojo hosts, gameshow, game show, film, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
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