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Found 3 search results for real ventures
  • FounderFuel Pt. 5: Meet the Investors
    FounderFuel is an accelerator program for up-and-coming tech start-ups. will be following the teams over the 12-week program. In Part 5 of 6, we chat with a couple of the investors from real ventures about the importance of accelerators.
    FounderFuel, accelerator program, entrepreneurs, market, business, startup, tech startup, investors, mentors, financing, venture capital, Montreal, company, business tips, advice, Notman House, ideas, planning, founder fuel, JS Cournoyer, John Stokes
  • HipMojo 28B: Startup Culture and Tech-Centric Cities
    In show 28 of HipMojo, Ash talks to Founder Fuel's Ian Jeffrey about Startup Culture and Tech-Centric Cities.
    wmlive, hipmojo, startups, funding, accelerators, incubators, real ventures, montreal, san Francisco, New York, y combinator, tech stars, ian jeffrey, ashkan karbasfrooshan, advice, finance, tech, startup culture, buzz, hype, experience
  • HipMojo 28A: Rise of Startup Accelerators
    In show 28 of HipMojo, Ash talks to Founder Fuel’s Ian Jeffrey about accelerators.
    wmlive, hipmojo, startups, funding, accelerators, incubators, real ventures, montreal, y combinatory, tech stars, ian jeffrey, ashkan karbasfrooshan, internet, business, advice, insight
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