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Found 6 search results for segway
  • Top 20 Worst Product FAILS of the Century (So Far)
    Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the worst product fails of the 21st century so far.
    Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, product fails, Google Glass, 3D TV, Apple Maps, Nintendo Wii U, Windows Vista, Microsoft Kin, Friendster, Segway, Blockbuster Total Access, Galaxy Note 7, Google+, Diet Coke Plus, HP Touchpad, Google Lively, Amazon's Fire Phone, Heinz Purple Ketchup, Orkut, Mobile ESPN, Satisfries, Zune, failed tech, worst tech, worst products, product recalls
  • Top 10 Most Expensive Product FAILS
    These fails cost their respective companies a tremendous amount of money. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 most expensive product fails.
    most expensive product fails, most expensive fails, expensive fails, fails, product fails, expensive products, most expensive business fails, expensive, worst fails, business fails, marketing fails, ad fails, advertising fails, new coke, google glass, Samsung, Galaxy Note 7, McDonald's, Microsoft, GetMojo, Amazon's Fire Phone, Segway, E.T. video game, business fails, Business, Tech, new tech, worst tech, Entrepreneur, watchmojo, top 10, list
  • The Most Shameless Product Placements in Music Videos
    Why do these music videos make us want a drink Diet Coke while riding a segway? Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at obvious, blatant and often cringey ads hidden in these musical shorts.
    most shameless product placements in music videos, product placement in music videos, music video product placement, rock n roll, focus, telephone, we can't stop, we r who we r, laugh now cry later, ciroc star, hands to myself, i'm the one, papi, avril lavigne, ariana grande, lady gaga, beyonce, music videos, shameless, product placement, music, pop music, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, msmojo
  • Top 10 Funniest The Simple Life Moments
    The funniest "The Simple Life" moments are priceless.
    funniest the simple life moments, hilarious the simple life moments, best the simple life moments, the simple life moments, best of simple life, paris hilton, nicole richie, simple life weather report, simple life airline, simple life quarter, simple life sanasa, simple life beauty salon, simple life sonic, simple life segway, simple life daycare, the simple life, TV, comedy, reality shows, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
  • Top 20 Worst Product Fails of All Time
    Sometimes big launches do NOT go as planned. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most memorable product failures in history.
    worst product flops of all time, product flops, failed product launches, worst products, failed launches, failed endeavors, memorable product failures, apple maps, the dmc-12, segway, colgate kitchen entrees, coors rocky mountain sparkling water, virtual boy, microsoft bob, hd dvd, arch deluxe, zune, cheetos lip balm, the newton, betamax, galaxy note 7, google glass, edsel, new coke, ez squirt colored ketchup, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
    In dieser Liste haben wir eine Reihe von Produkten zusammengestellt, die auf dem Papier sensationell aussahen, aber in wirklichkeit totale Flopps waren.
    LaserDisc, Nokia N-Gage, Hoverboard, Smartwatch, Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Nintendo Wii, Segway, Windows, Windows Vista, Betriebssystem, Computer, PC, 3D, Fernsehen, 3D Fernsehen, Oakley, Thump, Microsoft, Kinect, Google, Google Glass, Nintendo, Nokia, Watchmojo, Watch Mojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, top zehn, Unterhaltung, Spaß, Mademyday, Erfindungen, Erfinder
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