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Found 1 search results for spaghetti-tree hoax
  • Top 10 Greatest Pranks Ever Pulled!!!
    If every April Fools’ Day you’re looking for good pranks to play on friends and family, learn from the people who pulled off the most epic practical jokes in history. Whether it was the BBC convincing viewers that spaghetti grows on trees in the spaghetti-tree hoax, Burger King inventing a left-handed Whopper, or the Alaska prankster who made it seem like the volcano Mount Edgecumbe was erupting, these are some of the funniest pranks that will make you die of laughter. WatchMojo counts down ten of the greatest pranks ever pulled – whether they were April Fools’ pranks or not.
    top 10, list, top 5, april fools day, april fools day pranks, practical jokes, pranks, jokes, war of the worlds, orson welles, LAX, Starbucks, Burger King, Richard Nixon, hockey, NHL draft, airport, Rich Little, spaghetti-tree hoax, BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, Taro Tsujimoto, Buffalo Sabres, Whopper, left-handed whopper, smell-o-vision, mount edgecumbe, Alaska, volcano, instant color TV, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, funny videos, april fools google, april fools pranks for adults, best pranks ever
spaghetti-tree hoax listed in these videos
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