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Found 10 search results for superboy
  • Supervillain Origins: King Shark
    There are a lot of reasons to be afraid of sharks – and he’s all of them. Welcome to and today we will explore the comic book origin of King Shark. As with most comic book characters, there are often re-imaginings and different versions to a character’s past. We have chosen primarily to follow the storyline which unfolded in 1994’s superboy #9 and which was expanded upon in 1999’s superboy #67 and 2006’s Aquaman, Sword of Atlantis #45.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, comics, comic books, supervillains, superhero, super, hero, villain, origins, history, lore, DC comics, dceu, arrowverse, king shark, superboy, superman, aquaman, the flash, barry allen, wally west, the cw, arrow, superrgirl, legends of tomorrow, watchmojo
  • Top 10 TV Scandals That Led to Recasts
    If you're wondering why these characters look different, you haven't been following the real-world scandals. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most riveting controversies in the world of TV that led to sudden casting changes mid-series.
    scandals that led to recasts, controversies that led to recasts, tv recasts, tv recastings, roseanne, superboy, desperate housewives, cagney & lacey, the partridge family, that 70s show, true blood, sense8, batwoman, the frehs prince of bel-air, vivian banks, laurie forman, clark kent, becky conner, scandals, recasts, controversies, feuds, TV, Drama, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
  • Top 10 Superman TV Shows
    Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Superman TV Shows. For this list, we’re looking at the best TV series centred around the Superman franchise.
    top 10 superman tv shows, best superman tv shows, superman tv shows, superman shows, superman, clark kent, superboy, supergirl, krypton, superman & lois, superman and lois, lois lane, lois & clark the new adventures of superman, adventures of superman, smallville, superman the animated series, justice league unlimited, television, Superhero, TV, DC, Marvel, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • TOP 10 SUPERHELDEN, die zu Schurken wurden
    In dieser Liste schauen wir uns die Momente an, in denen sich ein Comicbuchheld der dunklen Seite zuwandte und seinen guten Ruf gegen eine Verbrecherkarriere eintauschte. Welcher Superschurke ist euer Favorit? Schreibt es uns in die Kommentare! Weitere Videos zum Thema SUPERHELDEN findest du hier: 10) Cyclops 09) Sinestro 08) Kid Marvelman 07) Ultimate Reed Richards 06) superboy Prime 05) Hulk 04) Jason Todd
    Superhelden, Marvel, Comics,
    In dieser Liste schauen wir uns die Teen Titans an, die zum festen Bestandteil des Teams geworden sind.
    static, wonder girl, donna troy, arsenal, roy harper, superboy, conner kent, kid flash, wally west starfire, beast boy, cyborg, raven, robin, dick grayson, teen titan, titan, titans, superhelden, superhero zeichentrick, comic, cartoon, tv, fernsehen, watchmojo, watch mojo, watchmojo deutschland, top 10, top zehn, unterhaltung, serien
  • TOP 10 SUPERHÉROS devenus des VILAINS !
    Quels sont ces héros qui ont troqué leur costume de superhéros pour passer du côté obscur des comics ? Reed Richards ? Hulk ? Hal Jordan ? Joignez-vous à nous pour le décompte de cette liste des 10 superhéros devenus méchant !
    superhéros, méchants, chute, DC Comics, DC, Marvel, comics, entités, Phénix, Cyclope, Sinestro, Kid Marvelman, Reed Richards, Univers Ultimate, Superboy-Prime, Hulk, Jason Todd, Bucky Barnes, Hakl Jordan, Jean Grey, Top 10, WatchMojo, watchmojo français, france, fr
  • Top 10 Comic Book Power Armors
    Who needs superpowers when you can just wear one of these? Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Comic Book Power Armors. For this list, we’re taking a look at the power armors worn by comic book superheroes and villains, which give them the strength, speed and firepower to even the odds against more powerful foes. Our emphasis will be on power armors that truly put their users on the level of superhumans, as opposed to just the usual capes and tights costumes.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, comics, comic books, superheroes, super heroes, super, heroes, marvel, dc, armor, power armor, superboy prime, yellowjacket, batman, azrael, doctor doom, blue beetle, war machine, spider-man, lex luthor, iron man, hulkbuster,
  • Top 10 DC Superhero Turning Points
    Superheroes see more than their fair share of drama and having god-like powers doesn't mean things will always go their way. Join as we count down the Top 10 DC Superhero Turning Points.
    films, comics, dc superheroes, superpowers, comic books, maxwell lord, supergirl, superboy, hal jordan, the flash, us citizenship, robins death, doomsday, superman, dick grayson, batgirl, top 10, watchmojo
  • Supervillain Origins: Bizarro
    This monster of steel is a warped copy of superman. Join as we explore the comic book origins of Bizarro.
    Bizarro, Superman, DC, Comics, Comic Book, Origin, origins, Bio, retrospective, History, Superboy, Action Comics, Debut, Otto Binder, George Papp, Duplicate, Monster, Smallville, Clark Kent, Villain, Foe, Super Friends, Kryptonite
  • Supervillain Origins: General Zod
    This Kryptonian is one of Superman’s most iconic foes! Join as we explore the comic book origins of General Zod.
    General Zod, Superman, DC, Comics, Comic Book, origins, Bio, Biography, Story, Superman II, Krypton, Terence Stamp, Ursa, Non, Jor-El, Phantom Zone, Movie, Film, Superboy, Smallville, The Man of Steel