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Found 16 search results for superheros
  • Top 10 Movies No One Will Let You Criticize
    Good luck trying to criticize these iconic movies! For this list, we’ll be going over the films whose fan bases are so widespread and devoted that they refuse to hear any mark against them.
    iconic movies, greatest movies, famous movies, perfect movies, highest rated movies, best rated movies, award winning movies, oscar winning movies, oscars, mcu, marvel, dc, superheros, the matrix, avengers endgame, the dark knight, batman, star wars, lord of the rings, back to the future, pulp fiction, fight club, ghostbusters, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • TOP 10 des JEUX VIDÉO de super-héros ANNULÉS !
    Quand un jeu vidéo est annulé, c’est toujours déprimant, mais encore plus quand ils mettent en scènes nos super-heros favoris. Dans cette liste, on jette un coup d’oeil aux 10 jeux de Super Héros qui ont été annulés, pour plein de raisons diverses !
    Jeux annulés, jeux de super heros, jeux de super heros annulés, jeux vidéos, gaming, batman, superman, jeux batman, jeux arkham, dark knight, jeux superman, The flash, hulk, ghost rider, barry allen, Avengers, captain america, Docteur Doom, Victor Von Doom, Justice League, Daredevil, X-men, Superheros, watch, mojo, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, liste, meilleurs jeux, pires jeux, solo, multijoueur, science fiction
  • TOP 10 mächtige DC Charaktere
    Für diese Liste schauen wir auf inspirierende und erschreckende Charaktere aus DC Comic, die sowohl Menschen, als auch sonst was sind. Welchen der Jungs findet ihr persönlich am coolsten? Schreibt es uns in die Kommentare!
    Parallax, Doktor Manhattan, Der Anti-Monitor, Mxzyptik, Krona, Superman Prime One Million, Spectre, DC, DC Comics, MCU, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, WMD, top 10, top zehn, Unterhaltung, Cartoon, Serien, Fernsehen, TV, comicfans, superheros, superheros deutsch, stan lee,
  • Top 10 Avengers: Endgame Fan Theories That Were Wrong
    Over the course of the past year, fans have been creating tons of theories about Avengers: Endgame. Well, most of those Avengers: Endgame Fan Theories Were very wrong. In this list, we look at a few false fan theories that involve such characters as Captain America, Ant-Man, Iron-Man, Thanos, and even some superheros from the Fox franchises. Here are our picks for Top 10 Avengers Endgame Fan Theories That Were Wrong.
    avengers endgame fan theories, avengers endgame tinfoil theories, avengers endgame ending theories, avengers endgame who dies, avengers endgame antman skrull, avengers endgame wrong fan theories, avengers endgame theories wrong, antman, iron man arm, tony stark arm, steve rogers, captain america dead, captain america dies, fan theories, fan conspiracies, fan fails, watchmojo, top 10, list, watch, mojo
  • TOP 10 Dinge die in Superheldenfilmen keinen Sinn machen
    Wir LIEBEN Superhelden in jeder Form!!!... In Comics, Büchern, Spielen und in Filmen! Hier aber haben wir die TOP 10 der Superheldenfilme die irgendwieeee keinen Sinn machen. Oder was sagt ihr dazu?
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, Unterhaltung, Filme, Comics, Marvel, Superhelden, Superheros, Spiderman, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, Wolverine, Superman, Batman, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Logan, Famke Janssen, Iron Man, Robert Downey jr, Latveria, Phoenix, Green Lantern, Der Mandarin, Joker, Suicide Squad, Jared Leto, Lex Luthor, Ghost Rider, Nicolas Cage,
  • TOP 10 der TRAURIGSTEN Sterbeszenen in SUPERHELDEN-Filmen
    In dieser Liste sehen wir uns die herzzerreißendsten Sterbeszenen in Superhelden-Filmen an. Könnt ihr erraten wer die Nummer 1 ist?
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, Unterhaltung, Spaß, Superman, Batman, Joker, Spiderman, Guardians of the Galaxy, Yondu Udonta, X-Men: Apocalypse, Jonathan Kent, Man of Steel, Rachel Dawes, The Dark Knight, Dr. Octopus, Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman, Gwen Stacy, The amazing spider man, emma stone, thomas wayne, martha wayne, batman begins, ben parker, peter parker, wolverine, logan, james howlett, superhelden, superheros, tod, traurig, comic, zeichentrick,
  • TOP 10 der SCHLIMMSTEN Dinge, die SPIDER-MAN passierten
    In dieser Liste schauen wir uns die schlimmsten Horrorerlebnisse an, die Spidey in seiner langen Comic-Karierre durchmachen musste. Erinnert ihr euch an.den Kampf mit Morlun oder als seine Eltern plötzlich wieder auftauchten?
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top zehn, top 10, Unerhaltung, comic, cartoon, marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, spiderman, spider-man, morlun, peter parker, mary jane, red skull, doctor octopus, norman osborn, octavius, kraven, michael bendis, tante may, onkel ben, gwen stacy, zeichentrick, spaß, zeitvertreib, spidey, superhelden, superheros,
  • Top 10 Best Origin Story Movies – Best of WatchMojo
    Some of the best movies start with the hero's origin, and most of the time that story is told in the first film. But which Batman movie is the best? Every time Spider-Man and Superman are rebooted we have to figure out which movie did the hero justice. Marvel and DC love to bring their chacraters to the big screen and some of them get movies that do them justice. We aren't only looking at superheros here, but any pop culture character, from Star Trek's Captain Kirk to MI-6's James Bond. WatchMojo ranks origin story movies to determine which ones did the character the most justice.
    top 10, list, top 5, movie, film, superhero, hero, origin, hobbit, lord of the rings, monsters university, prometheus, alien, maleficent, angelina jolie, Kill Bill, hannival rising, planet of the apes, star trek, casino royal, godfather, james bond, sci-f
  • Top 10 Most Controversial Superhero Stories
    Sometimes creators like to shake things up in a superhero’s life – often with results that don’t go down well with all their readers. Welcome to and today we're counting down the top 10 mostcontroversial superhero stories. For this list, we’re looking at stories which generated significant controversy due to their handling of a touchy subject or the manner in which characters were portrayed in the story.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, comic books, comics, superheros, captain america, thor, watchmen, nightwing, green arrow, superman, avengers, ms marvel, rape, death of captain america, agent of hydra, hydra, female thor, woman thor, lois lane, black woman, speedy, hydra, joker, green lantern, woman in a refrigerator, joker is wild, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Coolest Green Arrow Facts
    His aim is true – so bad guys better watch out. Welcome to and today we're counting down the top 10 facts about Green Arrow.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, comics, comic books, tv, television, superheros, green lantern, arrow, cw, super, hero, green, arrow, superhero, slade, facts, trivia, things, best, smartest, batman, similar, arrow cave, quiver, origin, origins, speedy, sidekick, justice league, background, story, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Super Villains With the Best Fighting Ability
    Some villains have superpowers, some have to rely on their hand-to-hand skills. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Supervillains with the Best Fighting Ability. For this list, we’re focusing on the comic book bad guys who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, ranking them on their proficiency and records in hand-to-hand combat. Also, if you’re looking for anti-heroes, you’ll find them on our previous list; Top 10 Superheroes with the Best Fighting Ability.
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, comic books, comics, super villain, supervillain, superheros, villains, fighting, fighters, best, crossbones, kraven the hunter, the shredder, bullseye, storm shadow, bane, ra's al ghul, mystique, deathstroke, kingpin, sabertooth, cheetah, taskmaster, avengers, batman, x-men, wolverine, tv, television, movies, films, tmnt, teenage mutant ninja turtles, watchmojo
  • Top 10 Superhero Costumes That Actors Hated Wearing
    And you thought that your work uniform sucked! Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our list for the Top 10 Superhero Costumes that Actors Hated Wearing. For this list, we’re looking at the superhero costumes whose wearers openly expressed displeasure in the costume. Now suit up, and let’s get started!
    top 10, list, top 5, video, ranked, rank, comic books, comics, super hero, hates, worst, uncomfortable, ugly, makeup, naked, tight, superheros, super villains, costumes, movies, dc, marvel, avengers, batman, catwoman, Scarlett Johansson, Black Widow, Olivia Munn, Psylocke, Andrew Garfield, Spider-Man, Ben Affleck, Batman, Margot Robbie, Harley Quinn, Jennifer Lawrence, Mystique, CGI, green lantern, ryan reynolds, watchmojo
  • Supervillain Origins: Mr. Doll
    This guy went from playing with dolls to being a living doll – or two, even. Join as we explore the comic book origin of Mr. Doll.
    comic book origins, marvel, origins, dc, superheros, supervillains, mr doll, doll, tales of suspense, iron man, tony stark, magic doll, african witch doctor, curio, effigies, brothers grimm, nathan dolly, watchmojo
  • Superhero Origins: Iron Fist
    This guy doesn't need a suit of armour to be have an iron punch. Welcome to as we explore the comic book origins of Marvel's Iron Fist.
    watchmojo, comic cooks, origins, retrospective, background, origin, marvel, daredevil, the defenders, superheros
  • Top 10 Comic Book Superhero Games (REDUX)
    superheros make the perfect video game protagonists: I mean, who wouldn’t want to use a variety of powers to smash a supervillain’s face in? Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Comic Book Superhero Games.
    Top 10, Comic Books, Video Games, Batman, Arkham City, Marvel Vs Capcom, Spiderman 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men: The Arcade Game, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, DC Universe Online, Lego Marvel Heroes,