With an edge similar to Helmet or the melvins, but also using compositional quicks reminiscent of David Bowie, Montreal’s Colonel Sun runs on fuel from the '90s.
The band is the brainchild of Montreal-native Scott Cook (formerly Dead Days, Ablyss, Bodyjarr). With Colonel Sun, Cook brings a post-hardcore sound that is inspired by feel and emotion, and lyrics that are blunt and to the point. However, his musical background is eclectic enough that Colonel Sun's dirty-rock edge is, at times, polished by musically-progressive overtones.
SoundMojo, SoundMojo Music, WatchMojo, Soundmojo artist, colonel sun, colonel sun accountability, The Melvins, post hardcore, hardcore, new hardcore bands, indie hardcore, indie bands hardcore, montreal hardcore, montreal punk, montreal punk bands, montreal hardcore bands, canadian hardcore bands, canadian punk bands 2020, helmet, the melvins