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Found 7461 search results for video game ending
  • Worst Video Game Ending EVER: Mass Effect 3
    When reaching the end of any good video game, we want to feel like we’ve accomplished something. That tangalbe moment all gamers have experienced, putting the controller down and taking time to reflect on the the story, its characters, and the experience as a whole is both satasfying and reflexive. This is why a bad ending can feel like a betrayal, especially if it’s to a great video game. If a game is awful from the start, we don’t have any expectations for its ending -- or we just stop playing before we get to that point. But if we’re captivated by what a game has to offer, a terrible conclusion will ruin the entire experience.
    video games, games, video, games, open world, openworld, open, world, ending, finale, conclusion greatest, best, worst, mass effect, mass effect 2, mass effect 3, sci-fi, sci fi, science fiction, space, rpg, role playing game, all time, action, shooter, survival, dark souls, final boss, boss, fight, best boss, zelda, breath of the wild, la noir, walking dead, telltale, story, storyline, shadow of the colossus, watchmojo, essay, video essay, long form, what is, best?, worst?, choice, choices, mojoplays
  • Greatest Video Game Ending of All Time - Red Dead Redemption
    All good things must come to an end, but that doesn’t mean that end won’t stay with you. As important as a game’s adventure is, its ending can make or break the overall quality of your experience. Video games put you into the shoes of the characters who are most directly involved in the action and in a way, you often feel like you’re the one taking the journey. This is why we root for the heroes. Maybe the great ending wasn’t story related at all. Maybe it was just the thrill of beating a challenging game or an exciting boss fight. Whatever the case, we always want the hero to come out on top and win the day because when that happens, we want to taste that victory.
    video games, games, video, games, open world, openworld, open, world, ending, finale, conclusion greatest, best, red dead redemption, red dead redemption 2, rdr, rdr 2, redemption, cowboys, all time, action, shooter, sandbox, survival, dark souls, final boss, boss, fight, best boss, zelda, breath of the wild, la noir, walking dead, telltale, story, storyline, shadow of the colossus, watchmojo, essay, video essay, long form, what is, best?, mojoplays
  • Top 20 HARDEST Video Game Endings To Get
    Reaching these endings in video games is going to be a major challenge. For this list, we’ll be looking at video game conclusions that are difficult to reach, whether they’re the canon ending or an optional one. Obviously, we’ll be getting into some major spoiler territory.
    hardest video game endings, hardest endings to get, hardest endings to unlock, video game endings, alternative endings, hardest games, hardest video games, gaming, games, nintendo, playstation, xbox, pc, the legend of zelda, batman, sonic the hedgehog, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, best video game endings, best endings, hidden video game endings, video game secrets, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • Top 10 Video Game Choices that Ended the Game Early
    Well, that's one way to finish a video game... For this list, we're looking at various moments in video games where players could end the game earlier than expected.
    Video game choices that end the game, video game endings, video game hidden endings, alternate ending, video game choices, video game multiple endings, endings, choices, NieR: Automata, One Night Stand, Far Cry 4, Super Paper Mario, The Stanley Parable, Shadow Complex, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Golden Sun, The Neverhood, Persona 5, RPGs, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • Top 10 Video Game Moments That Made Men Cry
    I’m not crying, I was just stabbing an onion for calling me gay! Welcome to and today we’re counting down the Top 10 Video Game Moments That Made Men Cry.
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, Made Men Cry, Cry, Sad, Saddest, Most sad, make you cry, tears, Mordin, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Red Dead Redemption, Saddest Ending, Sad Moment, Saddest Moment, Sarah, Last of Us, Halo 4, Halo, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3, Gears of War, Gears 2, Agro, Shadow of the Colossus, Eli, Half-life 2, Episode 2, Lee’s death, lee dies, Walking Dead, Clementine,
  • Top 10 Biggest Video Game Trailer Cliches
    Oh...this crap again? Time to take a look at the things that all video game trailers seem to do. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Biggest Video Game Trailer Cliches!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, Trailer, Cliche, cliché, Every trailer, overused, unoriginal, Creepy, Song, Camera, Game play, no game play, CGI, ingame, footage, inception, preorder, dlc, season pass, Genre, ad, advertisement, commercial, cliché, halo, countdown, game, video game, next gen, e3, top 5, watchmojo, movie, resident evil, super mario, ending, end, angelina jolie, hitman movie, tomb raider movie, lara croft, borderlands, movies, movies based on games, video game movies, game movies, half-life, prince of persia, silent hill
  • Top 10 Best Video Game Stories of the 8th Gen (So Far)
    Okay 8th generation of gaming, that’s a pretty good start! Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Video Game Stories of the 8th Generation (so far, of course).
    Top 10, Top Five, List, rank, gameplay, gaming, video game, gamer, 8th, generation, Story, Storyline, Narrative, Plot, Injustice, Tales from the borderlands, That Dragon Cancer, Nier Automata, Firewatch, Uncharted, A Thief’s End, Undertale, Life is Strange, Persona 5, Witcher 3, Wild Hunt, best game, best story, worst story, greatest story, best plot, worst plot, great plot, storyline, game story, adventure game, walking simulator, adventure game, rpg, best writing, best dialogue, twist, ending,
  • Another Top 10 Disturbing Video Game Moments
    Oh man...that’s just...that’s just awful...I can’t unsee that! Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for Another Top 10 Disturbing Video Game Moments.
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Video Game, gaming, Another, Disturbing, Scary, Spec Ops, The Line, White Phosphorus, Elizabeth, Bioshock Infinite, Burial At Sea, Ending, Resident Evil 7, Inside, I have no mouth and I must scream, Live is Strange, Phantasmagoria, Nier Automata, God of War III, Witcher 3, Wild hunt, Botchling, Revenge of Zeus, Robot, Suicide Cult, Hortencia, Dark room, in the dark room, man in yellow, Final fate, ending, inside ending, ending of inside, explained, Lobotomy,
  • Top 10 Worst Video Game Endings EVER (REDUX)
    Well that just SUCKED. These are the absolute worst conclusions and finales to some seriously big budget games that, frankly, should have known better! Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Video Game Endings EVER!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, rank, gameplay, video game, gaming, Endings, Worst, Redux, All time, Outlast, Borderlands, Halo 2, Mass Effect 3, Monkey Island, Lechuck’s Revenge, Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic 2, Sith Lords, Metal Gear Solid 2, Sons of Liberty, Sniper Ghost Warrior, No Man’s Sky, Bad ending, worst ending, conclusion, finale, ends, how it ends, center of the universe, all a dream, no man’s sky ending, worst ending ever, worst video game ending, worst game, lame ending, anti-climactic,
  • Top 10 Worst Video Game Endings
    Warning: Spoiler Alert! You spent hours building up to a grand finale, and that anticipation was rewarded with total crap. Join as we count down the top 10 worst video game endings.
    Video Games, Gaming, Game, End, Ending, Top 10, Countdown, List, Nintendo, Xbox, Playstation, Super Mario, Half-Life, Borderlands, Bioshock, Ghostbusters, Halo, Star Wars, Mass Effect 3, Ghosts and Goblins, NES, SNES, PC
  • Top 10 Video Game Characters That REFUSE to Die
    These video game characters just won't stay down! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down the most resilient heroes who laugh in the face of death, surviving impossible situations, multiple deaths, and challenges that would crush ordinary protagonists.
    hardest characters to kill, hardest video game characters to kill, characters that refuse to die, video game characters that refuse to die, strongest video game characters, gaming, games, nintendo, playstation, xbox, pc, zelda, god of war, tomb raider, mortal kombat, doom, halo, Video Games, Single Player, Multiplayer, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • Every Major Video Game Console RANKED
    Get ready for the ultimate journey through gaming history! We're ranking every major video game console from the Magnavox Odyssey to the latest generation, diving deep into their innovations, impact, and the unforgettable games that defined each system. From technological pioneers to industry-changing consoles, we're counting down the most influential gaming machines ever created!
    video game consoles, gaming history, Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, Atari, Sega, NES, PS2, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, retro gaming, console wars, gaming technology, video game history, game systems, arcade gaming, home consoles, gaming innovation, classic games, video game evolution, Video Games, Retro, Consoles, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 LONGEST Video Game Quests
    Grab a snack and clear your schedule, because these quests are going to take a long time. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at the most time-consuming quests in video game history.
    longest quests, longest quests in video games, longest side quests, longest video game quests, longest games, longest video games, side quests, best side quests, gaming, games, grand theft auto, gta, final fantasy, the witcher, elden ring, skyrim, fallout, single player, rpg, fantasy, sci fi, Video Games, Multiplayer, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • 10 Video Game Franchises About To Make A COMEBACK
    Get ready for a nostalgic trip down memory lane! We're diving into the exciting world of video game franchises that are making epic comebacks. From GTA to Perfect Dark, these beloved series are rising from the ashes to reclaim their former glory and bring new excitement to gamers everywhere!
    video game franchises, game comebacks, GTA VI, Perfect Dark, Skate, Turok, Professor Layton, Ninja Gaiden, Marathon, Onimusha, Ōkami, Fable, video game revival, gaming nostalgia, retro games, game series, game sequels, game reboots, upcoming games, 2024 game releases, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 20 Video Game Secrets It Took YEARS to Find
    Dive into the world of hidden video game secrets that took years, sometimes decades, to uncover! From mysterious Easter eggs to developer-hidden features, we'll explore the most fascinating and elusive secrets that stumped players for years.
    video game secrets, hidden easter eggs, gaming mysteries, rare game discoveries, developer secrets, retro game secrets, game hidden features, video game easter eggs, gaming trivia, game hunting, video game mysteries, rare game finds, game developer secrets, gaming exploration, hidden game content, video game collectibles, game hunting, gaming secrets, video game trivia, game exploration