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Found 5 search results for weird laws
  • Top 10 Legal Things You Can Do In America That Are Banned In Other Countries
    Outside of America, doing any of the things on this list are a big no-no. For this list, we’ll be looking at things that are lawful in the United States, but illegal elsewhere.
    america, united states, united states of america, american laws, legal in america, legal in united states, legal, illegal, crime, criminal, america crime, true crime, weird crimes, weird laws, laws, strange laws, banned in other countries, banned, ban, weirdest bans, strangest bans, banned items, things that are banned, us banned, legal things in america, us, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 Things That Are Only Illegal in America
    It doesn't pay to commit these odds crimes in America. For this list, we’ll be looking at items and activities that are surprisingly taboo in parts of the U.S., but not the rest of the world.
    illegal in america, crimes, crime, criminal, american crimes, american criminals, true crime, weirdest crimes, laws, weirdest laws, weird laws, weird american laws, weird american crimes, strangest crimes, strangest laws, old laws, oldest american laws, outdated laws, outdated crimes, outdated american crimes, america, usa, united states, shocking crimes, weird, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 Strangest Liquor Laws in The World
    It’s important to know your rights - especially when on foreign soil and the booze is flowing. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the oddest, most outdated and over-the-top laws pertaining to the consumption, distribution and production of alcohol around the world. They don’t need to be regularly enforced to be considered, they just need to be in the law books. Which of these do YOU find the strangest? Let us know in the comments!
    strange liquor laws, restrictions, bylaws, weird things, things you can't do with alcohol, drinking, booze, drinking laws, weird laws, strange laws, alcohol regulations, booze laws, places with weird drinking laws, countries with strange drinking laws, craziest drinking rules, wtf drinking laws, strangest drinking laws, cow, election day, where can i not drink, what states do you need a drinking permit, Food, Travel, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, best, worst, strangest, craziest, weirdest
  • Top 10 Strangest UK Laws Still in Place Today
    A list of the top 10 strangest and most unbelievable UK laws, created centuries ago but still in place today
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Law, UK laws, Strange laws, weird laws, odd laws, stupid laws, dumb laws, ancient laws, what is illegal, is it illegal to, British laws, strangest laws, weirdest laws, dumbest laws, UK police, British police, British prison, UK prison, British jail, UK Jail, is it legal, what is legal, legal, getting arrested in UK, getting arrested, finding a lawyer, UK prison system, Medieval laws, laws in history, English history, British history, funny history, fun history, funny British history, Laws in Britain, Laws in Wales, Laws in England, Laws in Scotland, British government, Scottish government, British politics, Politics history, Scottish politics, funny things about Britain, Weird things about Britain,
  • Top 5 Strange Laws in the World You Won't BELIEVE
    There are some crazy laws, meaning there are several weird things you could get arrested for around the world. One weird law in Flint, Michigan means you can be prosecuted under the law for wearing saggy pants. Another crazy law: there’s one country in the world that will decapitate you if you masturbate in public. But there are even more dumb laws! WatchMojo counts down five ridiculous laws in the world that still exist.
    top 10, list, top 5, world laws, weirdest laws of the world, dumb laws, stupid laws, weird laws, strange laws in the world, laws, arrest, jail, prison, funny laws, history, crime, criminals, illegal, drinking and driving, guns, sex, masturbation, Napoleon Bonaparte, animals, pigs, USA, United States, Indonesia, France, El Salvador, Flint Michigan, Wisconsin, San Salvador, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, top 10 weirdest laws in the world, random facts around the world, craziest laws in the world
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