The xenomorph from "Alien Isolation is looking for you, Nothing is as it seems in "Silent Hill 2" and damn you Konami for cancelling "P.T.". Join Todd Haberkorn as we countdown the Top 10 Horror Video Games That Don't Rely on Jump Scares
For this list, we’re looking at the best horror games that are not overly reliant on leaping out at the player in order to scare the bejsus out of them. It doesn't mean jump scares are completely absent from these titles, but are few and far in between.
Horror Video Games That Don't Rely on Jump Scares, scariest horror games, most terrifying horror games, Psychological Horror games, Psychological Horror, Todd Haberkorn, Alien Isolation, Eternal Darkness, Sanity's Requiem, Fatal Frame, Silent Hill 2, The Forest, Blair Witch, Darkwood, Pyramid Head, PT, Hideo Kojima, Xenomorph, Pyramid Head, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, System Shock 2, The Forest, Video Games, Fatal Frame, Horror, Single Player, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list