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Found 32 search results for César Romero
  • Top 20 South Park Movie Parodies
    "South Park" are the parody kings! For this list, we’ll be looking at standout episodes of this famous animated comedy that satirized some of the most popular films of all time.
    south park movie parodies, south park, tron, cloverfield, braveheart, pet sematary, the sixth sense, rocky, the silence of the lambs, 300, the da vinci code, the day after tomorrow, scarface, inception, world war z, heavy metal, the human centipede, kaiju, godzilla, the shining, superhero, george romero, the lord of the rings, animation, TV, Cartoon, Streaming, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • TOP 10 des SUITES de films NON-OFFICIELLES !
    Ooh, des suites secrètes ! Bienvenus sur WatchMojo Français, aujourd'hui nous nous penchons sur les films les plus mémorables qui poursuivent officieusement l'histoire d'un autre, mais qui ont été réalisés par une équipe de production entièrement différente et ne sont pas considérés comme canoniques.
    Action, Film, Cinéma, amityville, meilleurs films d'action, meilleurs films, zombie 2, disney, george a romero, Blanche-Neige et le Château hanté, les dents de la mer 4, liste, mojo, suites de films, my sassy girl, Oz, un monde extraordinaire, suites de films secrets, suites, showgirls, blanche neige et les sept nains, spartacus, terminator, the punisher dirty laundry, le magicien d’oz, top 10, suites de films non-officielles, watchmojo
  • TOP 10 des meilleures SUITES de films d'HORREUR !
    Bienvenus sur WatchMojo Français, aujourd'hui nous faisons le point sur les meilleures suites de grands films d'horreur. Il se peut que nous évoquions ici des points importants de l'intrigue, c'est pourquoi une alerte au spoiler est en vigueur.
    Film, Horreur, Films,sans un bruit ,films d'aliens, aliens le retour, meilleures suites de films d'horreur, meilleurs films d'horreur, meilleures suites de films, meilleurs films, evil dead, evil dead 2, freddy, george a romero, suites de films d'horreur, films d'horreur, leatherface, liste, mojo, suites de films, griffes de la nuit, films saw, films scream, suites, stephen king, massacre à la tronçonneuse, conjuring, shining, top 10, top 10 des films d'horreur, watch mojo, watchmojo, film d'horreur
  • Top 10 Movies Taking Place in 1 Day
    A lot can happen in one day. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the films that take place over a single 24-hour period (or less).
    movies taking place in 1 day, 1 day long movies, one day movies, 24 hour movie plots, 24 hour movies, movie plots, dazed and confused, night of the living dead, george romero, ferris buellers day off, john hughes, dog day afternoon, al pacino, magnolia, paul thomas anderson, the breakfast club, brat pack, high noon, do the right thing, spike lee, 12 angry men, die hard, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • Top 10 Best Horror Movie Sequels
    Second time's the scare! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most worthy follow-ups to great horror movies. We may be delving into some significant plot points here, so a spoiler alert is now in effect.
    best horror movie sequels, horror movie sequels, movie sequels, horror movies, best movie sequels, sequels, aliens, alien movies, texas chainsaw massacre, leatherface, the conjuring, a quiet place, saw movies, george a romero, evil dead, evil dead 2, nightmare on elm street, freddy, the shining, stephen king, scream movies, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • Top 20 Best Indie Horror Movies
    The indie horror scene definitely harbors some proper scares! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best horror movies that were independently released and made on miniscule budgets.
    best indie horror films, indie horror films, indie films, best indie films, indie horror, halloween, michael myers, the evil dead, the texas chainsaw massacre, hereditary, george a romero, paranormal activity, the babadook, saw, saw movies, rec, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • Top 10 Movie Sequels That Are Not Official
    Ooh, secret sequels! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the most memorable movies that informally continue the story of another, but were made by an entirely different production team and are not considered canonical.
    unofficial movie sequels, movie sequels, sequels, secret movie sequels, the wizard of oz, return to oz, snow white and the seven dwarfs, disney, happily ever after, terminator, showgirls, dawn of the dead, george a romero, my sassy girl, jaws, jaws the revenge, the punisher dirty laundry, amityville, spartacus, Film, Movies, Action, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best action movies, best movies
  • Top 10 Horror Copycat Movies
    Psycho see, psycho do! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for those horror movies that appeared to take specific inspiration from (or liberties with) established genre hits.
    horror copycat movies, copycat movies, horror movies, jaws, piranha, piranha movie, dawn of the dead, george romero, zombi 2, zombie movies, zombies, critters, gremlins, alien, alien movies, inseminoid, halloween movies, a nightmare on elm street, freddy krueger, the exorcist, rosemary's baby, a quiet place, the evil dead, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • ¡10 Crímenes más ATERRADORES cometidos en Perú!
    En esta lista veremos los crímenes más horribles, crueles y despiadados que se hayan cometido en el Perú.
    watchmojo español, mojo español, top 10, crimen, crímenes, crímenes más aterradores del Perú, los peores crímenes cometidos en Perú, el caso de Consuelo Berrocal, Los Pishtacos de Huallaga, Ruth Thalía y Bryan Romero en El valor de la verdad, El descuartizador de Lima, Mario Poggi, el caso de Marita Alpaca, Solsiret Rodríguez, Kevin Villanueva, Andrea Aguirre, Myriam Fefer, El descuartizador de Puno, Mamoru Shimizu, asesina de Tinder, crimen peru
  • Top 20 Decisiones MÀS INTELIGENTES en películas de Zombis!
    ¿Estás listo para el apocalipsis zombi? Para esta lista, estaremos viendo las mejores decisiones tomadas en apocalipsis que se centran en brotes de humanos infectados o muertos vivientes.
    decisiones más inteligentes en películas de zombies, decisiones en películas de zombies, películas de zombies, decisiones más inteligentes en películas, apocalipsis zombie, mejores decisiones en películas de zombies, guerra mundial z, tren a busan, zombieland, 28 días después, cillian murphy, danny boyle, el amanecer de los muertos, george a romero, el ejército de los muertos, Terror, Cine, Películas, mejores películas de terror, top 20 películas de terror, watchmojo, watch mojo, watchmojo español. Watch mojo español top 20, lista, mojo, mejores películas
  • ¡Top 20 Entrevistas de Famosos Latinos que salieron MUY MAL!
    Para esta lista, estaremos viendo algunos conflictos de periodistas con famosos por diferentes motivos.
    watchmojo español, mojo español, top 10, entrevistas de famosos que salieron mal, entrevistas de famosos latinos que terminaron mal, Eduardo Yañez, Niurka Marcos, Alfredo Adame, Servando y Florentino con Magaly, Maluma grosero, Paulina Rubio, Ricardo Arjona, Jorge González, Alejandra Guzman, Maradona, RBD show piolin, Marc Anthony, Belinda, Laura Bozzo, Susy Diaz, Laura Zapata, Shanik Berman, Raúl Romero, Jaime Maussan, Eduardo Verástegui, peores
  • Top 20 Smartest Decisions in Zombie Movies
    Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse? For this list, we’ll be looking at the best choices made in apocalypses that center on infected or undead outbreaks. Beware of some spoilers ahead.
    smartest decisions in zombie movies, decisions in zombie movies, zombie movies, smartest decisions in movies, zombie apocalypse, best choices in zombie movies, world war z, train to busan, zombieland, 28 days later, cillian murphy, danny boyle, dawn of the dead, george a romero, army of the dead, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • 10 FREAKY Urban Legends In GTA Games
    Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are getting spooky and unpacking 10 Urban Legends in GTA Games. For this video, we’ll be looking at those creepy and scary myths that players spread online regarding any and all GTA entries.
    gta theories, grand theft auto theories, grand theft auto urband legends, gta urban legends, gta myths, grand theft auto myths, gta san andreas, san andreas, gta vice city, vice city, Funeraria Romero, gta 4, gta IV, grand theft auto 4, gta 4 ratman, gta ghost cars, gta 5, gta V, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 goat man, gta bigfoot, grand theft auto bigfoot, gta aliens, grand hteft auto aliens, Video Games, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • TOP 10 des FILMS qui ont refusé d'être CENSURÉS !
    Certains cinéastes ne se laisseront pas réduire au silence ! Pour cette liste, nous allons examiner les films les plus notables qui ont choisi de ne pas être modifiés, préférant sortir non censurés.
    Drame, Film, Films, orange mécanique, a serbian film, al pacino, Interdit, films interdits, meilleurs films, british board of film censors, censuré, films censurés, crépuscule des morts vivants, les éternels, kkk, lgbtq, liste, marvel, mojo, films qui ont refusé d'être censurés, phastos, purity, romero, scarface, liste de schindler, showgirls, stanley kubrick, steven spielberg, naissance d’une nation, top 10, la victime, watch mojo, watchmojo francais
  • Top 10 Movies That Were Released Uncensored
    Some filmmakers will not be silenced! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most notable films that opted not to be altered, preferring to be released in their uncut states.
    censored, censored movies, banned movies, banned, censorship, movies that refused to be censored, schindler's list, steven spielberg, victim, british board of film censors, the birth of a nation, kkk, eternals, marvel, phastos, lgbtq, scarface, al pacino, a serbian film, a clockwork orange, stanley kubrick, showgirls, purity, dawn of the dead, romero, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
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