Shakespeare wrote some of the most influential plays of all time, but did you know that many movies and films that you've seen were were influenced by, borrowed, or flat out stole from his works? WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Movies that were heavily influenced by the written works of Shakespeare. But what will take the top spot? Romeo and Juliet turned into the Classic West Side Story? Akira Kurosawa's Ran influenced by King Lear? Or the classic Disney film The Lion king, with macbeth's fingerprints all over it? Watch to find out!
Top 10, List, Top 5, Movies, Shakespeare, Plays, Films, borrowed, from, Written, Influence, Inspired by, Ripped off, Stolen, Modern, Adaptation, Retelling, The Lion King, Hamlet, Macbeth, West Side Story, Romeo and Juliet, Ran Akira Kurosawa, King Lear,