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Found 5 search results for sodium
  • Top 10 Unhealthiest Food in America
    These foods are dangerously tasty and dangerously unhealthy. For this list, we’ll be looking at popular American foods and drinks that are chock-full of enough sodium, sugar, and preservatives to choke a horse - and that’s why we love them so much.
    unhealthiest food in america, unhealthiest food, unhealthiest foods, unhealthiest american foods, unhealthiest snacks, unhealthy, unhealthiest, america, american foods, fast foods, worst american foods, worst foods, worst fast food, worst food items, foods that are the most unhealthy, unhealthy food, drinks, unhealthiest drinks, sugar, soda, Food, Travel, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
    Quelle est la substance la plus flippante au monde ? L'Aérogel ? Le Césium ? Le Plutonium ? Joignez-nous pour le décompte de cette liste des 10 substances dont les effets et propriétés sont dignes des meilleures œuvres de science fiction !
    éléments, substances, molécule, nickel-titane, nitinol, aérogel, acétate de sodium, science, bacillus pseudofirmus, césium, triiodure d'azote, pâte magnétique, hydrogel, hexafluore de soufre, gallium, top 10, watchmojo français, français, fr, incroyable
  • Fast Food ile İlgili İştah Açmayacak 5 Gerçek!
    Yememeniz gerektiğini biliyorsunuz, ama lezzetli, kolay ve her yerde! Ama çoğunlukla kolay ve her yerde bulunuyor. WatchMojo Türkiye’nin Top 5 Gerçekleri'ne hoş geldiniz. Bu bölümde, medya tarafından düzenli olarak yerildiği halde büyük ihtimalle bilmediğiniz, fast food endüstrisi hakkında etkileyici gerçeklere göz atacağız. Facebook: Twitter: Kanalımıza abone olmayı da sakın ama sakın unutmayın!
    WMFacts,Facts,Top 5 Facts,unappetizing,fast food facts,mcdonalds,burger king,fatty foods,sodium,cholesterol,diet,omega 3,burgers,minimum wage,watchmojo,ilginç gerçekler
  • Top 5 Unappetizing Fast Food Facts
    You know you probably shouldn’t, but it's delicious, easy, and everywhere. But mostly it’s just easy and everywhere. Welcome to Watchmojo's Top 5 Facts. In this installment, we're looking at five fascinating facts about the fast food industry that you’ve probably never, despite the fact the industry is a perennial punching bag for the media. Most of the research we found is centered on fast food consumption in the United States, so the information in these facts is also focused on the US.
    WMFacts, Facts, Top 5 Facts, unappetizing, fast food facts, mcdonalds, burger king, fatty foods, sodium, cholesterol, diet, omega 3, burgers, minimum wage, watchmojo
  • Herbs and Spices as a Salt Substitute: Health Tips
    Herbs and spices are tasty, but they can also be beneficial to your health. learns how herbs and spices are tied to our health, and to find out which spices are best for improving our overall wellness.
    health, health benefits, tips, advice, herbs, spices, flavor, miracle spices, super spices, table salt, iodized salt, sodium, chloride, sea salt, blood pressure, water retention, sumak, digestion, diabetes, turmeric, chamomile
sodium listed in these suggestions