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Matt Gentile

Another Top 10 Most Badass Elite Special Forces

4 1
Suggested by Matt Gentile

Green Berets, USA

1 0

Another Top 10 Most Badass Elite Special Forces

Play Trivia Another Top 10 Most Badass Elite Special Forces
Suggested by Matt Gentile

75th Ranger Regiment

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

Marine Force Reconnaissance, USA

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

National Security Guard, India

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

71st Special Battalion, Jordan

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

Kommando Spezialkräfte KSK, Germany

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, USA

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

Kopassus, Indonesia

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

707th Special Mission Battalion, South Korea

1 0
Suggested by Matt Gentile

9th Paratroopers Assault Regiment, Italy

1 0

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