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Brian Ciesicki

Battle of the Pre-Crash systems

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

The most supported system of all time, the 2600

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Battle of the Pre-Crash systems

Play Trivia Battle of the Pre-Crash systems
Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

The starter of the the concept of the system wars, Intellivision

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

Nintendo's and Sega's preferred console at first, the Colecovision

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

Atari's next gen console, the 5200

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

The system that enthusiast groups preserved well, the Bally Astrocade

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

The only system that requires its own monitor, but doesn't need a TV, Vectrex

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

From the makers of the first video game system, Odyssey2

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

The Emerson Arcadia 2001 (if you can't say something nice...)

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

Ranking should be 7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 point system in a number of categories

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Suggested by Brian Ciesicki

There should be one category where each system does well. By the way, that's not my personal order, or my predicted order.

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