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Films surprisingly filled with depth

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel


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Films surprisingly filled with depth

Play Trivia Films surprisingly filled with depth
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Terminator 2

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Spanglish: not saying it's a good movie it is just more heartfelt and dramatic than other Sandler films

0 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Empire strikes back

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel

First blood

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Mission impossible (1996)

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Fight club

0 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Iron giant

0 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

The big Lebowski

0 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel

Wes Craven's A nightmare on elm Street

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