According to legend the pretzel was created in 610 AD by Italian monks who baked dough twisted in the shape of crossed arms, the traditional posture for prayer at the time. As its popularity spread th
Sleep Stranger
8 years ago Report
...spread through Europe the pretzel's three holes came to represent the Holy Trinity
Origin of Pretzels
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Sleep Stranger
The name pretzel is likely derived from the Latin term "brezel" for bracelet or little arms
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Sleep Stranger
Pretzels were embraced by the Catholic Church during Lent, when breads made with eggs are not to be eaten, ensuring the snack would survive the Middle Ages
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Sleep Stranger
Pretzels have been used in New Years celebrations and even marriage ceremonies, possibly contributing to the phrase "tying the knot"
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Sleep Stranger
Pretzel bakers in Vienna, Austria have their own coat of arms. In 1510 monks heard the invading Ottoman Turks tunnelling beneath city walls as they were baking. They warned the city and the invasion w
Sleep Stranger
8 years ago Report
...invasion was thwarted. As a reward they received a coat of arms from the Austrian Emperor
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Sleep Stranger
80% of the pretzels made in the U.S. come from Pennsylvania