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Reasons phantom.menace was awful besides jar jar

6 6
Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

Midi chlorians

2 0

Reasons phantom.menace was awful besides jar jar

Play Trivia Reasons phantom.menace was awful besides jar jar
Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah


2 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

Darth Mauls character was put to waste

2 0
Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

Jake Lloyd's performance

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

General plot was confusing

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

Card board characters

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

Qui gonn was obi wan's mentor instead if Yoda

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travistenbrunsel@yah 8 years ago Report
Case in point: Obi wan told luke. in the empire strikes back that it was yoda who trained him
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Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

Not enough action scenes despite a fast pace

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

The film was unsure about of what kind of audience it was For

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Suggested by travistenbrunsel@yah

The whole idea of sidious and maul wanting revenge on the Jedi was incoherent and made little sense without an explanation given

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