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Travis Tenbrunsel
Travis Tenbrunsel

Reasons why road to the.multiverse is family guy's best episode

7 0
Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It was so popular and acclaimed that it spawned its own video game

0 0

Reasons why road to the.multiverse is family guy's best episode

Play Trivia Reasons why road to the.multiverse is family guy's best episode
Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It exceeded expectations

0 0
Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It didn't need to rely on a ton of unnecessary cutaway gags in order to spoof Pop culture

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It is arguably the wittiest episode to date

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

Every single plot point in the story was unpredictable

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It mastered several different animation styles something no other episode has accomplished

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It spoofs pop culture more heavily than any other episode in the series

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It is even more ciritcally praised than episodes from the first three seasons

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It was an especially interesting concept

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Travis Tenbrunsel
Suggested by Travis Tenbrunsel

It was more.adventurous than other episodes already were

0 0

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