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The Top Ten Reasons Donald Trump is unfit to be president

4 7
Suggested by EmJay

Said a U.S.-born judge couldn't be impartial because of his “Mexican heritage”

1 1

The Top Ten Reasons Donald Trump is unfit to be president

Play Trivia The Top Ten Reasons Donald Trump is unfit to be president
Suggested by EmJay

Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

1 1
Suggested by EmJay

Defended FDR's internment of Japanese Americans

0 1
Suggested by azbaz


1 2
Suggested by azbaz


1 2
Suggested by EmJay

Doesn't pay his bills

1 3
Suggested by EmJay

Made fun of a reporter's physical disability

0 3
Suggested by Jenna Rizzo

Groping/Raping Women

0 3

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