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Sakuya Tachibana
Sakuya Tachibana

Top 10 2 Broke Girls Headscratchers

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

For being broke and attempting to seed a business, I have to ask... why in the world are Max and Caroline living in Williamsburg?

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Top 10 2 Broke Girls Headscratchers

Play Trivia Top 10 2 Broke Girls Headscratchers
Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why cupcakes?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Did Max and Caroline realize that they are in the middle of two classical upstart business teams?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Uh, why the hell was Caroline's possessions sold away in an auction?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why do they wear high heels at their job?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

For that matter, why doesn't Caroline try to get a better job, say at a bank or even one of those Payday Loans places?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why don't they invest the cupcake fund?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why don't they sell the horse?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Are there any waitresses working at the diner besides Max and Caroline?

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

How could the show even continue its premise with a millionaire in the fray?

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