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Russ Vint

Top 10 21st Century Movie Villains

6 1
Suggested by Russ Vint

The Joker (The Dark Knight)

5 0
JokerLaugh214 9 years ago Report
Should be number 1. Lotso is a big douche bag, but he never kills anyone. Heath Ledger's performance as that white faced, green haired, red lipped, scarred psychopath was good enough to win him a posthumous Oscar. It's nearly impossible to do that for a superhero film. The Clown Prince of Crime has every right to be number 1.
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Top 10 21st Century Movie Villains

Play Trivia Top 10 21st Century Movie Villains
Suggested by Russ Vint

Lotso (Toy Story 3)

4 1
Suggested by Russ Vint

Drago Bludvist (How To Train Your Dragon 2)

3 0
Suggested by Russ Vint

Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter franchise)

3 0
Suggested by Russ Vint

Raoul Silva (Skyfall)

2 0
Suggested by Russ Vint

Bill The Butcher (Gangs of New York)

2 0
Suggested by Russ Vint

Calvin Candie (Django Unchained)

2 0
Suggested by Russ Vint

Vincent (Collateral)

2 1
Suggested by Russ Vint

Doc Ock (Spider-Man 2)

2 1
Suggested by Russ Vint

Bill (Kill Bill)

1 1

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