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Top 10 Action Movie Heroes of the 2000s

4 1
Suggested by considerthejosh

Tony Stark (Iron Man)

1 0

Top 10 Action Movie Heroes of the 2000s

Play Trivia Top 10 Action Movie Heroes of the 2000s
Suggested by considerthejosh

Bruce Wayne (The Dark Knight series)

1 0
Suggested by Faith Marshall

Clark Kent (Superman movies)

1 0
Suggested by Faith Marshall

Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars movies)

1 0
Suggested by Faith Marshall

Harry Potter (Harry Potter series)

1 0
Faith Marshall 7 years ago Report
'Action' isn't just sci-fi!
0 0
Suggested by Faith Marshall

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series)

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Suggested by Faith Marshall

Ron Weasley (Harry Potter series)

1 0
Suggested by Faith Marshall

Severus Snape (Harry Potter series)

1 0
Suggested by Faith Marshall

Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series)

1 0
Suggested by considerthejosh

Jason Bourne (Bourne series)

0 0

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