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Sakuya Tachibana
Sakuya Tachibana

Top 10 Bill and Ted Headscratchers

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why would a bunch of master musicians not even try to play off of each other until Billie and Thea showed them how? - Bill & Ted Face the Music

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Top 10 Bill and Ted Headscratchers

Play Trivia Top 10 Bill and Ted Headscratchers
Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

If dialing the phone number for San Dimas one number lower takes them into last night, then why should Bill and Ted worry about the clock in San Dimas "always running"? - Bill & Ted's Excellent Advent

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Shouldn't Napoleon have freaked out six ways from Sunday when he met Joan of Arc? - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why were future Bill and Ted convinced that their wives were going to leave them forever and they wouldn't be able to write the song even though that very clearly did not happen in the past? - Bill &

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why does the second gun just appear in Nomolos' hands? - Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why are Lincoln, Beethoven, and Freud so blase about being kidnapped? - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

How did San Dimas Time work from the perspective of future Bill and Ted? - Bill & Ted Face the Music

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

In the end credits montage, why as the Grim Reaper wearing a space suit? - Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

How would your high-school history teacher react if you brought in a Lincoln impersonator to deliver your final presentation on your behalf? - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

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Sakuya Tachibana
Suggested by Sakuya Tachibana

Why does Dennis look so much like Death? Were they meant to be the same character from different timelines or something? - Bill & Ted Face the Music

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